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I walk into class. "A-a-am-m-m-m I-I-I i-i-in th-th-the r-r-right r-ro-o-om?" I ask the sub. "Are you new?" She ask. I shake my head. "So why are you asking?" I look at her for a second before Veronica comes over and saves me from completely embarrassing myself. "This is Toni, she has problems remembering basic things like what class she's supposed to be in and you not being the regular teacher made her freak out." She explains. "You're in the right class Toni. Go sit down." I nod and go to my usual seat. Veronica talks to the teacher for a minute about something and sits next to me. I look at her. "I-I-I c-c-cou-ould h-ha-have h-handle-le-led it. She nods. "I know but I saw you freaking out and honestly this sub is an asshole and would have embarrassed you in front of the class." I nod sinking into my seat. "Are you ok?" She ask quietly. "Y-y-yeah." I lie. "You can talk to me, if you need to. Whenever." I nod. "S-st-st-op-p-p t-t-tr-try-i-i-ing t-t-to b-b-be m-m-my f-f-frie-friend." I say before looking at the homework from last night. The phone rings and the sub gets the phone. "Toni. Go down the the nurse." I get up. "I-I-I n-n-n-need a-a-a-a p-p-p-pass." I say quietly. "Can you say that more clearly?" She ask. "I-I-I-I-I n-n-n-n-n-ne-need a p-p-p-p-pa-pass!" Reggie mimics me. "Really asshole?" Veronica says. "Hey! Detention after school." The sub says to Veronica. "What? I'm not the one mimicking Toni because she has a god damn stutter that she can't do anything about!" She rants. "Now, give Reggie a detention and give Toni a fucking pass so she doesn't forget where she's going!" She says pissed. I look at the sub. "P-p-pl-lease." I say quietly. She writes me a pass and gives it to me. "Veronica and Reggie both of you go to the office." We all walk out. I look at Veronica. "W-wh-what-t d-d-di-id I-I-I-I t-t-te-ell y-y-you?" I ask quietly. "You're the love of Cheryl's life, if I didn't at least try to be there when she wasn't there, she would kill me and honestly Cheryl can be scary." She explains. "L-l-les-b-bo." Reggie says. I turn around. "Go... f-f-fuck... your...yourse...self!" I say as slowly as I can. "Cheryl is the only with you because she feels bad for your stupid ass." He says. I go and punch him. I walk off and go to the nurse. I walk in a see Cheryl. "Hey baby." I nod. I look at the nurse. "She might have broke her arm during cheer practice." She explains. "C-c-call n-n-n-nine o-o-o-one o-o-one! I-I'm n-n-no-not d-d-dr-driving." I say sitting down next to Cheryl. "Not even for me?" She ask. I nod. "I-I-I'm sor-r-r-ry." She shakes her head. "It's ok." She kisses me. A few minutes later Reggie walks into the nurse with a bloody nose. "What happened to you?" Cheryl ask. "Your fag." He says. She stands up to kill him. I pull her back down. "You're joking right?" She ask him.


Toni walks into the hospital room. "Why did you hit Reggie?" I ask immediately. "T-the u-u-usual." She says quietly running her fingers up the bed nervously. "What's wrong?" I ask quietly. "W-w-w-why a-a-ar-r-re y-y-y-you w-wi-ith m-me-e-e?" She ask quietly. "Because I love you! Even though I would definitely leave you for Zendaya." She nods. "S-same." I smile and pull her into a kiss. "I'm gonna love you forever and always. I'm not with you because I feel bad, I'm not with you to make myself look good, I'm not with you because of a stupid bet. I'm with you because I love you, I will always be with you because I love you and nothing will ever change that." I explain to her. She looks at me. I pull her into a kiss. "H-h-how's y-y-you're a-a-ar-rm?" She ask quietly. "Better you know, now that the meds are kicking in." She nods. "H-h-h-how's t-t-t-th-them n-no-not k-kn-knowing y-y-you're l-l-l-lac-l-lact-t-tose i-i-in-n-ol-erant?" She ask quietly. I look at her. "I only almost shit myself once." She laughs quietly. "Shut up." I whisper. I look at her. She kisses me.

I walk into the auditorium. "I-I-I-I c-can-n't d-d-d-do t-th-this." Toni says before trying to walk out. "You don't have to do anything! Just sit and watch!" I tell her. She nods and we both sit down next to Kevin. I take Toni's hand. Go through a bunch of horrible, horrible auditions, Toni and Kevin taking notes the whole time. I just want to slam my head until a wall. Toni turns to Kevin. "W-w-what e-ev-v-ven t-the m-mus-mu-musical?" She ask quietly. "West Side Story." She sighs. "G-g-good l-l-l-luck." She says getting up and handing Kevin her notes. "I ahh... h-h-ha-hav-have s-sp-sp-speech." She walks out. "She doesn't have speech and no matter what she won't drive herself home so she can't leave until I leave." I say quietly. We sit there for a minute. "I have to go before she goes and gets hurt or something. She'll only driven once and I think it was when she stole her mom's car to my house just to piss her off." I explain getting up and walking out. I look at Toni. "You good?" I ask. She nods. "I-I- I go-t-t-t bo-bored." I nod. "Come on let's head home." I say quietly. "I-I-I n-n-n-ne-ee-need t-t-to g-g-g-go t-t-to p-p-p-pop's." She says quietly. "You need to give Veronica the form?" She nods. "Ok." I pull her into a kiss. "We can also get something to eat there because I don't feel like making anything." I say quietly. "W-w-wh-what a-a-a-b-about m-m-me?" She ask. "Last time you cooked something, you one, made something i was allergic to and two almost set the kitchen on fire." I explain. She smiles a little. "Y-yeah. I-i-i-i did." She says smiling.

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