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A/N: Anything in this book is not real, and I completely respect they're friendship and if they say they are not comfortable with this I will take it down♥️ Alsoo
Badboyhalo/Bad= Darryl
A6d= Vincent

"You muffin head!" Bad yells at Skeppy while he is laughing at the innocent boy. "Let me out of this box!!" Zak just continously laughs. *User Joined* They hear. "Oh hi A6d!" Bad say excitedly. "Hello" Responds A6d, "How are you Bad?" He asks. "Good! Other then Skeppy not letting me out of this obsidian" He complains. Skeppy just laughs loudly, Vincent joining him. "Guys!! This isn't funny let me out!" After the little laughing fit and Bad yelling at them to let him out, they finally broke the obsidian. "Oh yeah guys!" Skeppy exclaims "Guess whatt" "What?" Asks Bad curiously. "I got a Girlfriend!" Bads heart drops. 'What?' "Congrats!" Said A6d. "Thanks!" "C-congrats" says Bad, silently lecturing himself for studdering. "You okay?" Skeppy asks. "Huh? Oh yeah..I'm just...tired" He replies, "I think I'm gonna get off for the day, I'm gonna go to bed" "Wai-" *User disconnected* "That was weird..its only 8:30.." Skeppy says. Vincent secretly realizing what happened. "Yeah" he flatly responds.

After bad logged off, he went to his bed and just sat there. In the darkness. Alone. 'A girlfriend?' He thinks 'Heh..what was a thinking, him ever liking me? Laughable really' he let a tear fall from his eye. 'I'm so pathetic. Obviously he would never like me.' He lays down, and starts crying, grabbing one of his many stuffed animals, wishing it was Zak.

He wakes up, eyes red and puffy and his hair a mess. He puts his glasses on and sat up, recalling the events of last night. Getting upset quickly. 'Shes probably gorgeous. A model.' He decides to distract his mind by scrolling through Instagram, fan art always cheers him up. That was until he saw a picture of Skeppy and his new girlfriend. Bad was right, she was like a goddess, blonde, blue eyes, skinny. He has no chance with Skeppy against that. He starts crying all over again and throws his phone against the wall roughly. He curls up in a little ball and hides his head in his knees. He sat like that, crying until he got a message, he sat up, grabs his now cracked phone, and looks at the message.

Skeppy: Hey Bad wnna record a video with mee
                              Badboyhalo: sure. what were you thinking
Skeppy: Hmm mabe a build battl
                              Badboyhalo: okay ill meet you on the game

'That was weird'  Thought Zak 'he usually texts more excitedly and proper grammar.' He brushed it off, and got on minecraft.

"I  challenge you to a build battle with me, Badboyhalo!" Skeppy exclaims starting his video. "Okay" Bad responds flatly. "What are we doing" 'Hes acting weird, were is my happy sweet bad?' "Um oh right, A millionaire house!" "Okay. Let's start." Bad closes up the space that he could see Skeppys avatar. He leaves the call and starts.

His house didnt look amazing, but he didnt really care. He wasnt even excited finding about the cars. He realizes he should act happier so Skeppy dont realize something is up.

After the Skeppy yells in the chat that time is up. Bad stops building and joins the call with Skeppy. "Are you done?" Zak asks."Yup!" Says Bad. Skeppy smiles at the happy tone in his friends voice, little did he know, it was fake. "Okay!! Lets check out mine or yours?" "You can choose!"

After Skeppy turned off his camera, he asks bad "Are you okay? You didnt seem to happy in the beginning of the video." 'Oh frick. He realized.' "Oh I was tired.." bad responds. "Didnt you go to sleep at 8 last night..?" Skeppy asks. Bad didn't know what to say. What does he say??? "Oh yeah..hey I'm gonna go, I haven't eaten today.." bad says quickly. "Oh..okay" *User disconnected* 'Did I do something wrong?' Skeppy thought.

The day passed by, both men thinking about each other, just in different ways. It rolled around 7 and Skeppy hears a little ding from his phone. He grabs it and looks at the text he received. It was Bad.

Badboyhalo: Hey Skeppy, can we text? I kinda need to tell you something.
                                     Skeppy: Hey I'm sorry, I cant right now, I'm going out with my girlfriend. Maybe later if it's not to late?

Badboyhalo: oh okay

"UGHHHH THAT STUPID BITCH" Bad screams, not even realizing what he just said, though he probably wouldn't care right now.

Around 10 Bad texts Skeppy
                                 Badboyhalo: Hey can we talk now?
Skeppy: ya
So he types out what he wants to say. He was far to scared to say it over call.
                                  Badboyhalo: so.. I like you Skeppy, like not as a friend I love you. And I'm aware you have a girlfriend, and you would choose her over me any day but I just had to tell you.

Skeppy: What!? That is disgusting. Never talk to me again. Dont try to ever get in contact with me.

            *Skeppy has blocked you*
Bad stares at his phone shocked. What..? Bad was prepared for rejection..but not this harsh..his heart feels like it breaks into a million tiny pieces that will never fit back together. Then he laughs. He starts to laugh hard. What was he thinking? Skeppy even thinking of him? He just lost his best friend. He shouldn't have said anything. Hes so pathetic. He throws him phone on the counter and grabs out a knife. He starts stabbing it laughing. He was done with this. Everything. The internet sucks. The memes, the hate, now Skeppy. He didn't want to deal with it anymore. He just continously stabs that's stupid phone, like it will fix his problems. Like it will seem like he never met Skeppy. Like the rejection hasn't happened. He stops stabbing his phone, glass everywhere. He drops it and starts sobbing. He falls to the ground, leaning against the counter.

He wakes up to the bright sunlight shining through his windows. He groans and gets up. No he didn't cry. He didnt even get upset. He felt nothing right now. He picked up a pear, and walks to his room and sits in his bed. And stays there. Drowning in his sorrow. And this went on for 2 days. The only thing he has eaten is a pear and one apple. On the morning of day three, he decided, he had to tell his fans, he quits. That's right. He was done. He turns on his PC and the first thing he sees is discord, as that was the last thing he had on. He starts to delete the many messages he has, A6d, Sapnap, George, Dream, Wilbur, Tommy and every other friend he has. He was deleting them, reading the beginning of all, all saying they worried for him and to please answer, as he always usually answers quite fast. He was deleting them, when he saw one that stood out. Skeppy? Why did he message him? To yell at him more? He didnt know. He decided to click on it, which he tried to resist. He started reading the message, he starts sobbing. The message read..

BAHAHAHA CLIFF HANGER! I'm sorry. But I just had to. And yes I did get extremely sad writing this. I hope you enjoyed reading this! Tell me if you want a part 2! Bye❤🥳

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