Chapter 20 - Not An Accident

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Taeyong woke up in the morning by his alarm ringing , seeing that they still had half an hour before the mall would open. He slowly went towards where Seulgi was sleeping and bent down to look at her. He remembered the kiss they had yesterday, his cheeks turned a light shade of pink. He backed away from her and thought about it. He wanted to confess soon. He made up his mind , he didn't want to waste time , like he said , now he knows for sure he likes her , he is going to confess today.

He went to Seulgi again and woke her up gently by patting her back , he groaned and got up , her hair all messy , she wasn't looking her best. Taeyong giggled are her state and pulled her cheeks. In her eyes she looked hideous . In his eyes , she looked adorable. Why? Because he liked her.

Seulgi was off too a grumpy morning , pissed that Taeyong laughed at her. They walked together to the exit of the mall , which was now open. She bid Taeyong goodbye and when home to scold Joohyun for not helping her out last night. Taeyong also planned to scold Doyoung. Joohyun and Doyoung were disappointed , they spent so much time and still didn't confess? What a shame.

They had to act quick and make another plan. They just decided to hang out in groups , like triple dates , so they would feel left out and eventually come together. They planned to start it today itself , there was no time to waste.

Doyoung and Sooyoung had already confessed to each other , that they had some sort of attraction towards each other , but they weren't dating , Doyoung just got over his crush on Joohyun , they didn't want to rush things. Doyoung mentally facepalmed when he realized that him and Sooyoung already confessed to each other when Taeyong and Seulgi hadn't even made a move yet.

Joohyun and Youngho were going together , Sooyoung and Doyoung were also going together but Taeyong and Seulgi were coming too , but were they going together? They decided to just go to Han River. They were all done with their exams a few weeks ago , and graduation was close . The river was pretty crowded , since it was a weekend and it was night time.
"Yahhhh!! Let's play who knows me the best!" Joohyun suggested.
"Yeah let's play that! I love that game!" Sooyoung said.
"How do we play it?" Seulgi asked.
"Each of us asks a question chance by chance , and whoever answers it first , gets a point, whoever has the most points at the end of the game wins! That person knows us the best !" Joohyun explained.
"Sounds fun" Youngho said.
"Yeah it does" Taeyong added.
"Should we start then?" Doyoung asked.
"Okay I'm going first." Youngho said.
"What's my favorite food?" Youngho asked.
"Oh I know! Burritos !" Joohyun said.

They kept playing like that , Joohyun having the most points , and she eventually won . They went closer to the river , the couples holding hands and showering each other with love. Seulgi and Taeyong already felt very out of place.

Taeyong thought about something. He could take Seulgi somewhere alone and confess to her right now! Ot would be perfect ! The couples are to engrossed in each other to notice us anyways. He thought.

"Hey! Do you want to come with me? I have to show you something." Taeyong told Seulgi.
"Yeah sure but where?" She asked , with a hint of worry.
"Just trust me" he said , extending his hand for her to take.
She took his hand and they headed out to the place Taeyong wanted to show her. He held her hand tight , and led her to a place not far from the river , it was a small little bridge , on the end of the river , where the moonlight was bright .

"I always come her when I don't feel loved." Taeyong said suddenly.
"Whenever I felt like , I don't have someone to give me affection , I came here , looked up to the stars and thought of my parents. If they were here , they would shower me with unconditional love..." he said.
"But now , I feel like I have someone." Taeyong said.
"You are the first person I've bought here , because you are special to me. I like you Seulgi. And when I say I like you I mean it. And it's ok if you don't like me , I can't force you into feeling the same way." He managed to blurt out.

" don't need to force me... I already feel the same way." Seulgi said , looking into his eyes , smiling widely.
He smiled back at her leaning closer , they hugged each other , tightly. He stroked the top of her head. He pulled away slowly and cupped Seulgi's face in his hands , he caressed her cheeks , her skin felt so soft. He slowly leaned in .

"Can I kiss you?" He asked.

Seulgi didn't feel like she had to say anything. His words sent the blood in her body rushing to her cheeks. She smiled and pressed their lips together.

It felt like fireworks had ignited in both of their bodies. Her hands automatically moved around his neck and he cautiously kept his hands on her waist. It wasn't the first time that they had kissed , but this was different since they were doing it on purpose.

They slowly pulled away from each other and smiled widely. Taeyong was so happy. He was here at the place , where he went to when he lacked love , and here he was today, brimming with love for the person he bought here.

"Let's head back to the others?" Taeyong asked , rubbing the back of his neck , since he was now nervous.
She nodded and smiled at him . He remembered something. He hadn't even winked at her today ! He usually winked at her almost every day. He slowly stood up , asking for her hand again , he intertwined their fingers and winked at her , causing her to blush like crazy. He chuckled and mumbled cute under his breath.

They walked back to the river , to find all four of their friends staring at them.
"Sooo? Did it work out?!" Joohyun said. She was becoming impatient about how much time they were taking to admit their feelings.
"Well..." Taeyong took his hand , which was intertwined with Seulgi's and lifted it up.
All of them smiled and cheered for them. It took them a lot of effort for this to happen.
"You don't know what me and Joohyun didn't do to make you guys confess , we even set you guys up to get locked in the mall!" Doyoung said.
"That was you?!" Taeyong and Seulgi said.

All of them spent the rest of the night together , until it was pretty late. The guys and girls headed back home separately, all of them teasing each other on the way home. Taeyong even told Jaehyun about what happened. He couldn't believe the fact that Taeyong thought Seulgi had a crush on him. Now that Taeyong thought about it , he felt so silly for even thinking that he shouldn't confess.

Whatever it was , however it happened , both of them were very happy. They weren't in a relationship yet , but they had at least told each other about their feelings , and they were so excited about what the future held for them.

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