Chapter 2

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Sophomore Year:

"Hey you," a low voice said into her ear. Yeji smiled as she felt a warm body slide into bed behind her. She reached back and touched a forearm, which she immediately pulled around her stomach. Soft lips began nibbling on her earlobe.

"Hmmmmm..." Yeji sighed. Wait.

Oh shit, it's the dream again. Ok. Let's get a look at you... Fuck. Why is it always so dark when this happens?

The brunette tried to move, but couldn't. The mysterious woman had commenced the now familiar ministrations of pleasure, her lips gently kissing Yeji's neck. Her hands moved under the brunette's shirt, and then, after a moment of delicious anticipation, Yeji felt them on her breasts. "Ohhhh....."

If I know I'm in a dream, I should be able to control it, right? How the hell do you lucid dream? Oh god, that feels so good....

Yeji felt warm breaths trailing warm lips as the woman kissed a delicious path down her torso. Dirty blonde hair shielded the woman's face from view. Trying to look deeper, the brunette was able to notice two orbs emitting a soft black light far off in the distance. Huh, that's new...

"OH!" Yeji squealed as a warm, smooth tongue made contact with her center. She smiled and opened her legs. "Oh yes," she sighed, "Hmm..."

I know this is not real... but it feels so good...

Her clit now was being caressed with exquisite attention. "Oh, right there... right there..."

Growing pulses of pleasure were rippling up and down the brunette's body. She felt a familiar tightening as the muscles in her body flexed, every sinew welcoming a glorious orgasm that crackled and coursed through every nerve with delight. "Kiss me," Yeji mumbled.

She felt her lover's body move upwards. She tried to open her eyes, but couldn't. Those soft, soft lips touched hers. Just lightly as first, but then with more insistence; yielding but strong. Yeji opened her mouth, kissing back earnestly. Good kisser. Amazingly good kisser... even though this is all in my head....

Moments later, Yeji opened her eyes, stretching her body contentedly.

"Alone again," she sighed, "Who are you?!"

The kiss lingered in Yeji's mind the rest of that week. Not only because it was new, but because it had been so delicious. She wondered if such a kiss could happen outside of her imagination. She'd certainly enjoyed mind-blowing kisses before, but now she knew of something better.

"Hey... Yuna," Yeji nudged her friend. The two of them were studying in the library reading room, cramming for the next day's finals.

Yuna chewed on her pen in frustration, "I am totally screwed if we get a question on Ampere's Law. I always overthink it and get it mixed up."

"Go over the midterm question on the coaxial cable," Yeji replied, "It'll help."

Yuna made a face as she looked through her midterm exam. "I got that question right. Huh. So why is it confusing now?"

"Because you are panicking and your brain's stopped working. Which is good. Because I want to talk about something other than electro-magnetic fields for a sec."

"Ok, shoot," Yuna threw the midterm back onto the pile of papers on the table.

"I definitely, maybe, for sure, almost, think that it's definitely Jeongyeon I've been dreaming about. Had the dream again the other night after I talked to Dahyun earlier that day." Yeji looked at her friend meaningfully.

"You told your coach about your dream?" Yuna asked incredulously.

"No, I was telling Dahyun about Spring Break and what a disaster it was. But then she got an email from Jeongyeon while we were talking. I think it was a trigger for the dream."

The raven haired girl lifted an eyebrow, "Oh man, I thought you were over Jeongyeon. Is this why you're breaking up with Doyeon?"

"'Broke up.' She came over last night and we talked. Yuna, it was never going to work. I mean, we had fun and all that, but we are fundamentally incompatible: our lives don't mesh! She works the late shift for the student union four nights a week. I have morning practices 5am five days a week. I'm gone most weekends for meets. I'm pre-med and on West campus. She's theater studies and downtown. It's a miracle we actually even met."

"And now you are running straight back to the Jeongyeon-is-the-woman-in-your-dreams theory," Yuna stretched, "And you were doing so well without it, Yeji!"

"There was something new in the last dream. We kissed. So now I kind of feel like there's something I can use to compare in real life. You know, without..."

"Without having to make an indecent proposal?"

"Exactly! And according to Dahyun's email, Jeongyeon is in New York...."

"Your grand plan is what? 'Hey Jeongyeon, give me a kiss so I can see if it measures up to the one that is actually a figment of my imagination'?"

"When you put it that way, it sounds ludicrous. Forget I said anything..."

Yuna shook her head, "Give me Ampere's Law any day. At least it's grounded in fact."

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