Chapter 12

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Indeed, about three and a half miles away in an office downtown, was a grinning Ryujin, whose fingers were flying over the keyboard as she toggled between the clues.

After almost six months of silence, Yeji finally bit. The blonde initially wondered what triggered the reply, but right now, all she really cared about was getting Yeji to show up for dinner. Ryujin planned everything out to a T, and part of the plan was Yeji finishing the game first; which wasn't a problem, because no matter how much she tried, Yeji would always easily beat her at crossword puzzles.

Speaking of which, Ryujin looked at the timer, counting up towards minute 30. She turned her attention back at the laptop screen, and saw that she still have about half a dozen clues to go.

Right on cue, her phone bleated out an incoming text notification.

Yeji did not disappoint.

{Yeji} Do I get to choose the restaurant? This was followed by a screenshot indicating that she had completed the crossword correctly in 28 minutes and 34 seconds.

{Ryujin} Buyer chooses. Meet me at the corner of Perry and 7th at 7pm tonight.

Yeji turned to Yuna, "Having dinner with Ryujin tonight. Any ideas for getting cardiac assistance so I don't have a heart attack before 7 P.M.?"

Meanwhile, Ryujin had her work cut out for her. She put together a shopping list, but she still had some other thing to take care of first.

At 6:50 P.M., she looked out of her apartment window, which faced 7th avenue. No sign of Yeji. She checked the oven one last time, re-checked the table, and headed downstairs.

As she walked out onto the street, she spotted Yeji standing on the opposite corner, looking at her watch.

The blonde let out a slow breath. Yeji's hair was up in a ponytail and Ryujin could see the graceful curve of her neck. Her eyes roamed over the brunette's simple white shirt, which crested over her breasts before falling casually over a pair of skinny jeans.

Her friend was fucking stunning.

Wondering if her heart would be up for whatever came next, she trotted over, angling her approach just outside of Yeji's sight line.

Walking up behind her, Ryujin leaned in to the brunette's ear, "Hey,Yeddeong."

Yeji screamed and landed a solid punch on the other girl's arm, "What the --" Yeji began, but stopped once she realized it was Ryujin.

"You cut your hair!" Yeji stared hard. Her eyes couldn't settle on one spot and was roaming all over Ryujin's face, which was no longer partially concealed by a baseball hat. What used to be a messy mop was now shorter and sleeker; strong, straight eyebrows; sharp, beautiful jawline; shockingly black eyes; a pair of invitingly full lips that Yeji had never really noticed before, now curled up in a shit-eating-grin as the blonde watched her react.

"You said you'd like it short," Ryujin briefly explained, "Come on, let's head up, the food's almost done."

Yeji followed without a word. Had Ryujin always looked this good?

"Welcome to la casa Shins.... The world's tiniest bedroom through there, microscopic bathroom there, and what I have decided to be the very utilitarian entryway slash guest room slash living room slash kitchen slash dining room here. Yeji? You with me?" Ryujin turned around to check that she hadn't left her friend behind on the three floor trek up.

Yeji's eyes snapped up and she blushed.

"Were you looking at my butt?" Ryujin teased.

"You wish. You got new jeans -- I was looking at the label," the brunette covered as smoothly as she could, "so you live here now?"

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