Chapter 5

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"Welcome Back Alums!" read the banner hanging over the public school's entrance. Yeji and Yuna hurried in from the cold. Although the hallways and stairwells all had fresh coats of paint, both of them were hit by a nauseating mix of claustrophobia and nostalgia as they made their way to the school gym. The school was actually split into two schools - Lower and High, but most people had to suffer their way through both schools before finally managing to claw their way out to freedom.

"Do not leave me alone to deal with the people of my nightmares." Yeji tugged at friend's shirt.

"Relax. We'll stay until the surprise, and then zip out of here. It'll be worth it to see Mrs. Riley's face. Speaks volumes that this many people have shown up to celebrate her retirement."

"I fucking hated high school," Yeji complained, scanning the gymnasium for the nearest drinks station. "No, let me restate that. I fucking hated high school and I hated this small town even more."

"That's not entirely true. You only started hating everything Senior year when-"

"Yeah, yeah. I know." Yeji's mood darkened.

"Mrs. Riley taught kindergarten. A time before people turned into monsters. Try and focus on that."

Yeji rolled her eyes, not ready to cede any ground, "Don't tell me Amanda wasn't already a mean girl in kindergarten. She made fun of me every chance she got."

"That's because she had no friends. And you and Ryujin were already inseparable. She had no time for me, for example. I was already so nerdy that she looked right through me as if I was vapor. Oh look -- there's Amy! She said she'd be coming. I have to go say hi."

"Fine, go. I'll just stand here and pretend I'm super thrilled to be seeing all these people that I have studiously avoided for the past three years." Yeji's eyes swept the room again without spotting anyone she felt compelled to speak with. She got her drink and walked over to the window. The school playground was right below, next to the parking lot. She remembered standing at the very same window Senior year, wishing herself to be miles away. Everything had been tolerable until Senior year, and then she just wanted to get the hell out of town.

"Hey Yeddeong," whispered a voice in her ear.

Yeji screamed in surprise, her cup of cranberry juice leapt in a glorious arc high up in the air. The sticky red liquid landed with an unceremonious splash.

"RYUJIN SHIN, you asshole!" Yeji exclaimed, knowing who it was before she turned around.

"You are entirely too easy to scare the shit out of."

Yeji glared at her childhood friend, who had an infuriating grin on her face, "And you are so juvenile, Ryujin."

Ryujin flashed an even bigger smile. She took her baseball hat off with one hand while the other combed through her hair, gathering her blonde locks in place before jamming the hat back on again.

Yeji couldn't help but smile back. Even despite their recent differences and disagreements, Ryujin - without Julia in tow - was a sight for sore eyes. Taller than Yeji by a just a little bit, Ryujin had always been a comforting presence. Now, stirred with the remembrance of how lonely Senior year was without Ryujin (and because Julia was nowhere in sight), Yeji fought the urge to just fling herself into Ryujin's arms.

"What? Do I have something on my teeth?"

"Nada. I was just thinking that some things never change," Yeji countered smoothly. She had never let on how much she'd missed her friend, and she wasn't going to start now.

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