Chapter 1

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Freshman Year:1

"Hey, what's your roommate like?"

Yeji shrugged. "Non-controversial. Yours?"

"Non-controversial," Yuna mimicked her action, "With limited motivation to engage in conversation."

"I don't feel like a college student," The brunette looked at the expanse of campus before them as they walked to the Athletic Center. It was the second day of orientation at Farrel-Adams College and the two Freshmen were headed to the Varsity Athletics Open House. They had been in high school together, and were glad to have each other at FAC as they course their way through the sprawling campus in the middle of New York City.

"It's orientation, things don't start picking up until classes start... Soccer's in L-203..." Yuna squinted at the notice board at the Sports Center entrance, "Looks like you are in.... Mezz. What's 'Mezz'?"

Yeji shrugged, "I'll find it. Maybe.... over there?" Her eyes followed a tall and lanky athlete wearing a varsity swimming jacket.

Yuna sniffed the air mockingly, "Oh yes, the unmistakable trail of chlorine... follow your nose, Hwang. I'll see you later."

Yeji walked upstairs into the Mezz meeting room, where a few tables stood in haphazard formation. Fifteen or so upperclassman in varsity jackets sat with feigned insouciance at the front of the room. There was a podium to their right, and Yeji saw two members of the men's team leaning against it, chatting away. Both had a red "C" on their jackets.

Yeji spied a leaflet on the table and picked it up. "FAC Men's and Women's Varsity Swimming," read the title, followed by, "Co-Captains: Vernon Choi and Jeongyeon Yoo." Really? Both captains are men? That's disappointing.

Yeji strolled up to the podium, indignation simmering over the lack of a female captain, "I have a question for the two of you."

The taller of the two smiled, "Freshman? I'm Vernon. Captain of the men's team."

Yeji nodded as she shook his outstretched hand.

"Yeji Hwang." She looked over at the other captain and her stomach lurched. Not a guy. Oh shit. So much for challenging misogyny.

"And this is Yeon... uh... Jeongyeon, captain for the women's team," Vernon continued, gesturing to his co-captain.

"Hi," Jeongyeon held out her hand.

Yeji stared at Jeongyeon. Now that she was standing closer, she felt stupid for mistaking Jeongyeon for a guy. More than that though, was a feeling that there was something familiar about the women's captain. What was it? She felt herself blush with embarrassment as she shook hands with Jeongyeon.

Vernon raised his eyebrows, "You okay?"

Yeji felt herself nod vigorously. Sure I'm okay. I was one obnoxious comment away from putting my foot in it and embarrassing myself before the semester even started.

"You had a question, you said?" Vernon asked.

Yeji nodded again as she willed her brain come up with a believable question, "Yes. Um, I'm interested in trying out for the team. Just wanted to get a sense of timing and all that." Oh man, that was lame.

Vernon nodded, "We'll cover that in a minute. Just waiting for Dahyun to get here. She's our coach."

Jeongyeon flashed the brunette a reassuring smile making her blush.

"Okay, thanks," Yeji hurriedly said, turning away quickly. Luckily, the room was beginning to fill up, so she slid into a seat at one of the tables.

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