Chapter 20

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"Couldn't sleep?" Ryujin shuffled sleepily into the kitchen.

Yeji smiled as Ryujin pulled her into a hug. Burying her face in the blonde's rumpled t-shirt, she shook her head, "It's either the nerves or the coffee. I should probably stop drinking coffee. This is, like, my fourth cup since 9pm."

"You'll do great tomorrow. I know it. Sorry I fell asleep."

"It's just so illogical. They give you a week to stew between telling you that you've been matched and telling you where you've been matched. Just... WHY?"

"When do we need to get there tomorrow?"

"We get the news at noon. We should probably get to school by 11 latest. Oh god, what if they made a mistake and I wasn't really matched?" Yeji said, overwhelmed with anxiety.

"Sweetheart, you'll be getting a spot in an awesome residency program somewhere. They'd be lucky to have you, Doctor Hwang." The blonde reassured, stroking Yeji's arm.

"Ugh, that makes me sound like I have a stick up my ass," Yeji slouched into a chair and laid her head on the kitchen table.

Ryujin leaned down and kissed the nape of the brunette's neck. "I can testify in a court of law exactly what you sound like when you have something up your ass, and it's definitely not 'Doctor Hwang,'" Ryujin mocked in a monotonic baritone.

"Perv." The brunette sat up and gave Ryujin's butt a healthy thwack.

"Oh, Doctor Hwang," Ryujin sighed as she reached around and grasped Yeji's breasts, "Guilty as charged..."

"Ryujin, you know that you've ruined it all now, right? No one can call me Doctor Hwang again without me thinking of you making me come," Yeji winked when she saw the blonde's worried face, "And you do that so, so well..."

Ryujin grinned.

"Seriously though, Ryu, what if I get matched to a program in a state that hates gay people?"

Ryujin sat down, and grabbed one of the brunette's legs. Lifting it onto her lap, she started massaging Yeji's foot, "We'll go to Plan D. None of the pediatric programs you listed in your top five is anywhere near Plan D. Which you've made us talk through a hundred times already. And, in the unlikely event that it happens, remember that I am in the "can code, will travel" camp, so we'll infiltrate enemy territory together... 'The Lavender Menace' kinda takes on a whole new meaning in this context..."

Yeji didn't look convinced, "What if it's so terrible you decide to leave me?"

"Now you're talking crazy. Want to take your mind off it?" Ryujin raised an eyebrow.

Yeji shrugged.

"Okay. Hold on a sec," Ryujin disappeared into the bedroom and came back with her laptop, which she set on the table.

"Here you go," Ryujin's fingers flew around the keyboard before she swiveled the laptop towards her girlfriend, "New crossword -- give it a go. Your brain will appreciate the distraction, I promise."

"Alright fine. But then you need to dose me with sleeping pills..." Yeji looked at the grid and started picking out clues that yielded obvious answers. "Hey, what happened to the foot massage?" She whined making Ryujin smile. Giving into the brunette's demands, she returned to knead Yeji's foot while watching her land her first couple of answers.

[1-Across: Prudence, to Lennon.] "Hmmm... Song? Nope. 'Dear.'"

[5-Across: J.M. Barrie's Family Name?] "Easy. 'Darling.'"

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