Chapter 8

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Yeji was trying to get the bartender's attention when she sensed someone approach. Upon turning, she sighed exasperatedly. Oh god. Not this again.

"Hey! Are you a stick insect?" The half-drunk frat boy asked for what seemed like the fiftieth time. He had asked that question when the party started, and had returned repeatedly to Yeji as the evening wore on, asking the same question as his blood alcohol level steadily climbed.

"Yes," she finally said, hoping that this change in tactic would end the conversation once and for all.

"I thought so," the frat boy nodded, "I knew it the moment I saw you. STICK INSECT!" The unexpected shouting caused the brunette to jump. It also caught Jonnie's attention.

"Everything okay over here?"


"Okay, buddy," Jonnie patted the guy on the shoulder, "Good one. I think you came with Dave's friend Brody, right? Okay, let's get you back over there."

Yeji signaled to the bartender to close up her tab.

"Sorry about that Yeji, I got caught up with the trivia thingy over there," Jonnie gave her a quick squeeze on the arm.

"He was fine, just got a little loud at the end. Was he even in costume?"

"I think he intended to be the Man in Black."

Yeji raised her eyebrows, "If that's the case, he clearly ran out of money, motivation, and fabric..."

"Hey, are you leaving?" Jonnie asked as the bartender slid the bill over to Yeji.

"I signed up to do a Christmas Eve swim practice tomorrow morning at the Y. Can't stay out too late. You okay getting home?"

Jonnie nodded, "I'm going to ride with Grasser. See you tomorrow, and thanks for coming tonight. Sorry about the stick insect guy."

Yeji gave him a big hug, "You were on fire with the trivia tonight. You would have given Ryujin a good run for her money if she'd been here."

"Her loss, she probably bagged this because she knew she'd lose to me. Here, let me walk you out."


As the brunette drove off, Jonnie ran back inside, the cold having eaten through his thin pirate shirt. He almost tripped over Dave, who was slumped over a booth by the entrance with his legs sticking out.

"Dude -- what happened?" Jonnie knew the deal before Dave could muster an answer. His friend was clearly done for the night. "Oh come on, man, this is NOT cool."

"Water..." Dave warbled.


After a number of failed attempts to get a ride home, he dialed Ryujin's number and flinched in anticipation of her displeasure, "Hey Ryujin... Dave didn't manage to maintain his designated driver status. We need a ride."

"Why don't you drive him home?"

"Yeah, except that doesn't get me home. His dad needs the car in the morning, so I'd need a ride back from his place if I did that. I just called his girlfriend and she won't get here for a while. So come get me. Please?"

"Have Yeji drive you -- she went in her mom's car."

"She already left. Now get your ass out of bed and come get me."

Ryujin looked out her window, and there in the Hwang's driveway was Norma's car. The blonde kicked herself for not noticing Yeji's return.

"Fine," Ryujin heaved herself off her bed and got dressed. By the time the blonde got to The Pool Hall, it was almost midnight. She spotted Jonnie at the bar with Yuna and Chaeryoung.

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