MATCHBREAKER : The Turning Table

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I have the same energy everytime I go to school. Zero. I just hated to remember something I will forget after all. When I yawned, i walked across Rebecca. Okay. Should I be awkward because I didnt reply her message? Hmmm. I dont think so. Or should I say hi first? Maybe I will start by saying hello?

"Morning, Rebecca."

"You dont have to pretend, James."

"Pretend what? Pretend that we are okay, but the truth is you are mad at me?"

"No. Not that. We know what i am talking about."

"What? I dont follow."

"I get it. You are gay. And you want to cover up by making out with me so the community wont judge you. Dont be shy, James."

"What? Who told you that? Irene?"

"No. You yourself yesterday throught text after you answer me with the short silly answers and then boom! The big revelation. What a rollercoaster you were. Maybe you were drunk so you forget?"

"I am not drunk yesterday."

"Maybe you just send it to the wrong adress. But you know what? Your secret is fine with me."

"It's not my secret."

"I will tell you my secret too. I am getting back together with Taylor. Thanks to you."



"The other day you said I have HIV, now you tell Rebecca I am gay?"

"What? I dont know?"

"You texted her with my phone while I was sleeping on the airplane."

"Is it me or maybe you are sleep texting? Well people can sleep walking, why not sleep texting right?"

"Damn it you, Irene."

"No proof, zero accusation."

"It means war. The first plan was just to break unhealthy relationships. Now every relationship that you settle, well beware I will break it. Into the dust. I swear."

"Wow, wow, wow. Why you involve the innocent?"

"No one is innocent. Everybody has their own sins, Jessica."


"Why are you so gloomy?"Cole asked Irene worrily.

"I am not."

"Your favorite TV channel got cancelled or end?"

"No, Baby."

"Your grade is awful?"

"I pass all the subjects."

"You are getting fat?"

"Just shut up, Cole. I am thinking."

"Okay, Irene Baby. Take your time."

"Jennifer and Gilbert. Are they okay?"

"Still madly in love."

"No conflict undetected?"

"No. Gilbert never complains about Jennifer."

"Ok. Jasmine and Jaffar?"

"I think their love is mature one. Maybe they dont always post their romance on instagram or whatsoever but they stay strong. Jaffar always pick up Jasmine and go home together."

"Okay. Giselle and Mark?"

"Great also. They just celebrate their anniversary and Mark give Giselle Jewellry."

"What romantic couple. Why dont you buy me one too?"

"We had this discussion before."

"Yeah, yeah. I dont care. Hmm, Lucy and Smith?"

"I dont know. They are low profile. So, I have no clue."

"He must start with Lucy and Smith."

"He? Who do you mean?"

"Nothing. I have to go back to class. See ya. Love you."

"Why can I get a normal girlfriend, God?"



"Yeah, Irene."

"It's long time that I dont see you with Smith?"

"We broke up."

"What? When? How?"

"A week ago. But we keep it chill. Because our group friend is the same. So you know we dont want to make a big fuss about it."

"Why you broke up? The spark is gone?"

"He cheated on me. With other girl from other school. Never mind. It's okay. I better know it right now then when I already Mrs Johnson?"

"No James involved?"

"Who is James?"

"Okay. Just forget it. I hope you will be happier."

"Yes. How about you with Cole? Still fire?"

"We are cool. He is the best boyfriend."

"I've heard that Cole cheated on you too. In the first semester on senior high, but you just moved on and accepted him again right? I hope you make the right decision. To forgive a liar."

"Well, it's just a fling. If I lose him, then I really lose to the other girl. Right?"

"Or maybe you let her win and keep the suck boy for herself."

"Well, that sounds good too. I have to leave. Maybe we can talk later. Out of school."




"What is it, Jessica?"

"You must be the one who ruin Smith and Lucy relationship right?"

"Wait a minute. I think yes but not directly. Because you said I am gay. And that's why my charm doesnt work here anymore. I have to go out with other girl from other school and pretend to beg her saying that Lucy is my ex girl. She was stolen by this damn Smith. I want her to you know play my role become third party. And fortunately Smith is an easy one. He is not that loyal."

"Lucy and Smith are best friend."

"Like I care."

"You broke their heart and their friends' heart."

"No. I just show them the truth. The rest is up to them. Stop blaming me for every misfortune of your friends relationship. It's their own fault."

"How could you say that?"

"Because it is the truth. Live with it."

"Leave the rest of the relationships I settled alone. Dont be a douche bag."

"Let me see my schedule. Jasmine and Jaffar. Giselle and Mark. Jennifer and Gilbert. Which one is it you care the most?"

"All of them."

"Oh, the newly couple right. Jennifer and Gilbert. What a lovebirds."

"You know you can't use the third party way for the loyal couple right?"

"Who says my method is only third party?"

"What else?"

"Just wait and see."


"Gilbert, right?"

"Who are you?"

"James. The new kid on the block."

"The gay kid?"

"No. The rumour misintrepeted. I was saying I dont believe in monogamy. And they said I am a gay. You know people nowadays love spread hoax and rumor."

"Oh, I see."

"You play soccer really well."

"Thank you. You can play soccer too?"

"Little. Can I join?"

"Yes, I guess. Cole, dont you want to pick up Irene?"

"Aah, I almost forget. Thank you for reminding me. See ya dude."

"Now show me your little skill."

Well, beside being a winner in national debate competition, I also a the best striker in my old school soccer team. I score every game. And every women of course. LOL

"So do you call it little skill?"

"Yeah, kinda."

"You have to sign up for the club, Dude. You have the talent. Maybe you can go to college with the sport scholarship?"

"I already use the sport scholarship for my elementary, my junior high. Let my parents pay my senior high and college bill."

"Wow, so you save much money right? Because you dont have to pay for school."

"Not really."

I spent it by going to random city for having sex experience. I answered in my mind.


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