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"Dont you think that Jasmine is the dominant one in your relationship?"I talked to Jaffar in the garage. We modified my motorcycle.

"No. Why you think that?"

"You always pick her up and deliver her home everyday. Dont you have something necessary to do? I mean is she angry or outrage if you dont do that?"

"Yes. Very angry."

"And you afraid?"

"I am not afraid. I dont like making her angry."

"But, you have your own interest. She must understand. You are two people. She cant be that selfish."

"I guess I will talk to her about that."

"Yeah boy power over girl power."


"Baby, have you learned for the exam?" Cole kissed Irene in front of me. Irene saw me and I was cool about it.

"Yes, of course. I dont want to fail. Dont tell me you havent. I dont want to have lazy and stupid boyfriend."

"I havent. I train a lot. Will you help me studying?"Cole kissed Irene again. Irene check on James and I still didnt care.

"Yes. I will teach you."

The bell rang. Cole went back to his class.

"So you like lazy and dumb boyfriend?"

"Not your business."

"Clingy and codependant boyfriend also."

"You overheard our conversation?"

"Next time you can lower your voice."

"Jealous? I have boyfriend while you are single?"



"Are you sick, Irene?"Katty worries.

"Yeah, I think. I feel dizzy and I want to vomit."

"You can take a rest in the clinic."

"I will ask Mr. Potter."

Irene was lying in clinic. She drank hot tea and got ice compressed.

"Why dont you just go home?"


"You are hot like a volcano."

"It's okay. My mother is out of town remember? I usually take care of myself even when I was sick."

"I see where the character come from."

"What character?"

"You are lonely. You want people to be dependant to you."

"I dont."

"You are not pregnant, arent you?"

"I am not."

"Just in case."

"What if I am pregnant and the baby is yours?"

"Well, I have to be responsible of course."

"You wont leave the baby, like my father did?"

"I wont."

"Well, glad to hear that."

"But, I prefer you are not pregnant."

"Me too. I guess."

"I will drive you to hospital."

"Cole will drive me. I have texted him."

"4 hours from now? You will be dead by then. Give me your phone."

"What for?"

"I will text Cole that you already gone to the hospital."

"Of course not. Dont exaggerate things."

"No. I will take you to hospital now. Miss Lavender can I lend your wheel chair?"


"I told you. It's just a cold,"Irene already in her home.

"After we check. If we dont who knows?"

"I want to sleep."

"You havent eaten anything."

"Oh right. I will order it."

"I have bought it for you."


"Hot soup."

"Thank you."

"I can feed you?"

"No. I can eat by myself."

"No. You cant. You are sick."


James feed Irene the soup even though Irene couldnt eat a lot.

"Enough. Or I will vomit it all."

"Okay, okay. Now drink the pill."

"I feel stupid when I am sick. It just proves that I cant take care of myself."

"Of course anybody need someone."

"We are going to go to college. We will live by ourselves far from home. And I have to take care of myself."

"Where do you plan going?"

"Harvard. I love the law."

"I see. Dont you want to ask me?"

"I guess, Harvard?"

"No. I want to go to MIT. I love engineering."

"Yeah. You love to play with things such as boobs, booty, and whatelse?"

"You talk nonsense. Go to sleep."

"Can you cuddle with me? I mean really cuddle. Not the one which lead to sex."

"I get it."I slept beside Irene. But not in the blanket. I hate warm.

"And sing me a lullaby song?"

"What is it?"

"Twinkle twinkle Little Star?"

"Really? Are you an infant? Did I do sex with girl underage?"


"You use your looks?"

"Am I doing it right?"

"Twinkle, twinkle, little star
How I wonder what you are
Up above the world so high
Like a diamond in the sky
Twinkle, twinkle little star
How I wonder what you are

When the blazing sun is gone
When he nothing shines upon
Then you show your little light
Twinkle, twinkle, all the night
Twinkle, twinkle, little star
How I wonder what you are"

"Irene, are you sleeping?"

Irene didnt respond.

"I will leave you."

"Dont. Just stay."

"You arent good liar."

"But I am good secret keeper. Sing me again."


"Since when you are into photography, James?"

"There you are. Healthy again with so many questions."

"You dont answer me."

"I always love photography."

"Soccer yes. Photography no. You even dont know what instax mini is. You think it was an app, said the chairman club."

"Well, I use camera with lens. Of course I dont know what instax mini is."

"What are you up to?"

"No. I dont have anything on my sleeves."

"It's about matchbreaking?"


"You lie to me."

"You are my enemy remember? Of course I lie to you."

"I thought we are friends."

"No. Friends dont do backstreet sex."

"Ssst. Lower your voice. God, I will be mad at you, if this has something to do with the matchbreaking."

"And if you are mad at me, what will you do? Spank me?"

"I wont talk to you."

"That's better."

"I wont let you touch me anymore."

"You can be the one who do all the work."

"Damn it. I hate you."

"You know you cant hate this,"I said that by pointing my face and my abs.


"James, do you go again this weekend?"My mother asked me.

"No. Im done travelling. I love this city. This city is great."

"You met someone, didnt you?"

"No. I love the city. The environment."

"Who is she?"

"No one."

"You cant lie to me. You can lie to other people. But not to me who teach you how to spell alphabet."

"My kindetgarten who taught me that."

"But, I help you to remember. You were a forgetful and distracted infant. I thought you were dislexia or something."

"Fine. I met someone. A girl. But just to play around. Not anything serious."

"Is she pretty?"


"Is she the prettiest girl you've ever met?"

"Sometimes she is pretty. But most of all she is you know very bad temper so the pretty face hidden behind her big mouth?"

"You love this girl."

"No, i dont. She has boyfriend. And I am fine with that. Doesnt it mean if I love her, I have to be jealous?"

"Well, you are not yet in the position when she chooses her boyfriend over you. So, you dont know for real, darling."

"Why should I make her choose?"

"Because when you love someone, you want that individual to become all yours."


"Cole and Irene always win this competition every year, right?"

"Yes. They are in relationship from elementary school. And always kiss all the time. Harmony. Even when Cole cheated on Irene, they still running back to each other. Just like they cant live without one another." Answered Giselle.

"Now, I want you to be the new champion."


"By breaking up."



"Giselle and Mark broke up?"

"2 vs 1. Or I said 3 vs 1, because Jasmine and Jaffar is in big fight. Just wait and see, they will break up just the matter of time."

"How could you do that? Dont you have a heart?"

"It's just a game. There's always a winner."

"I have to talk to them. If i can save Rebecca and Taylor relationship, i will save the rest."

"Good luck even though I doubt it. And as a winner of course I want to have my prize."

"You dont win yet."

"Dont you want to hear my wish?"

"What is it?"

"I want you to break up with Cole."

"Are you insane?"

"To prove my point? Yes."

"I will never break up with Cole."

"Well, than the show will go on and on."


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