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A couple of days later, my grandmother arranged a marriage between my aunt and a Duke. She was not much older than me. I didn't understand why my grandmother did that but that's what happens when you have a title I guess.

« Look at my little sister, Katherine, with her sulky new husband. » said the Queen holding her baby

At the end of the ceremony, my mother gave me my little sister to walk out with the King. Passing by the guest, I couldn't ignore the expressions on some people's face.

« Who would have thought so happy an occasion would have made so many so miserable ? » I said to my grandmother

« Lord Warwick isn't even here. » she said agreeing « So much the better. »

I kept up with the Queen so I could be next to her with her baby. At the same time, Richard approached and bowed to them before smiling at me and looking at my sister I was holding.

« Congratulations, Your Grace, on your first York princess. » he said looking at my mother

« She is not a boy though, so you have no heir. » said Edward's mother passing by with George.

She hated my mother, our entire family even. She was evil.

« Oh my Mother, the Queen, shall have many more, Duchess Cecily. » I spatted out, not being able to keep my words in my mouth

She was surprised, not expecting me to speak I imagined. Richard fainted a laugh, also surprised but amused I would stand up for my family in front of his mother.

« And the next one shall be a boy. » continued my mother

At the same time we heard was sounded like a bell outside. The Queen asked Edward what it was but this one was already gone outside to see what was happening. She then took my arm and we followed. My eyes opened widely when I saw King Henry, hands tight behind his back, on the horse next to Lord Warwick, outside the castle. Everyone was as shocked as I was.

« My Lords. » began Warwick still on his horse « Our one time King Henry, and now, our prisoner. He was roaming the fields of Northumberland but I have ridden out and captured him. »

« And you have brought him in ! » cheered Edward already close to them

The sound of a sword captured all our attention.

« No, Richard ! » said Anthony

Richard was going to run to the old King before my uncle and other guards stopped him.

« Then let us take vengeance for our father he murdered. » screamed this last one

Edward took his face in his hands with authority « You will not ! He is an anointed king. » I could see Richard breathing heavily « And how should we be any better if we match him in his butchery ? » Richard dropped the sword, his lips pressed, keeping his eyes on Henry while Edward turned to us, his people « He is a traitor and an enemy to my rule. But God has brought him to us to show that my reign is just and true. » He walked to his cousin « We shall keep cousin Henry in the Tower apartments and show him a mercy that he denied our father. Go in God, cousin. »

THE WHITE QUEEN'S DAUGHTERWhere stories live. Discover now