Chapter 1

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Kaminari's Pov

I wake up to the blaring sound of my alarm resonating through my room. Stopping the alarm, I sit up and turn so my legs are hanging off of the edge of the bed. I rub my eyes and look around my room 'oh, what's the point?...' I lay back on my bed and stare at the ceiling. I sigh. I know I need to get up but I just don't have the energy or the willpower. I turn my head slightly to look at the clock. It's 7:30. I really need to get up or I'll be late again. 'Its not like it matters anyway, I'm always late...' I get up and start getting ready for school. I put on my uniform and look at myself in the mirror, just to make sure I, at least, look presentable. I stare at the mirror, looking at my reflection. 'I look like shit, why do i even bother?' I sigh and walk to my door but make no move to open it and leave. I can hear everyone else leaving already. I glance over at my alarm clock. It reads 8:15. I have a little time before I'm late. I walk away from my door and towards the bathroom. I close and lock the door behind me and glance at the cabinet above the sink, containing a small pocket knife. I remove the knife from the cabinet and turn it, watching as the light reflects off the shiny metal of the blade.
***WARNING SELF HARM, if you Do not wish to read skip to next bold area***
Rolling up my sleeves, I lower the blade and press the cold metal to my arm leaving a small mark. I watch as I push the blade deeper and watch the crimson substance ooze from the fresh cut. I smile slightly, not feeling the pain. I repeat this, pushing the blade further into my arm each time I manage about five on each arm before my arms, the floor and the sink are covered in blood and I start to feel dizzy. I wash the my arms and the blade off on the sink and place the knife back in the cabinet before wrapping up my throbbing red arms. I roll down my sleeves so no one can see my arms, hiding all the evidence.
I sigh and walk out of my bathroom, sparing a glance at the alarm clock to see how late I was. It's 8:30, homeroom must be almost over. I exit my dorm and lock my door behind me before making my way towards the classroom. I arrive outside the door and check my phone, before going in, for the time. It's 8:45. I'm late. 'oh well. It's not like anyone notices you anyway.'
I sigh and make myself look panicked and out of breath to give the illusion that I just slept in or something. I burst through the door and everyone immediately averts their gaze towards me. I smile sheepishly and start to walk over to my seat. I sit down and immediately rest my head on my desk. I sit up to look around, examining everyone before my gaze lands on a certain person. The person that sits just slightly to my right. I stare at him for a while. 'he's gonna think I'm a creep or something if I keep staring.' As if on cue he glances over and I quickly avert my gaze to the front of the room. I can feel his eyes on me, staring. I don't think he knows that I know he's looking. 'does he like me?... No way, he'd never like someone like me. He's probably just making sure I'm paying attention. He is the class president after all.' I sigh and rest my head on the desk again, not really paying attention to the lesson. After a few minutes I feel a tap on my shoulder. I lift my head and see Iida looking at me, concern laced in his features. "Are you alright, Kaminari? Are you feeling unwell? As class president it is my duty to make sure all of my classmates are well and rested." I feel my lift into a small smile. I nod, slowly, "I think I'm okay. Probably just tired, that's all I guess...." I trail off and just admire his features. His wide open, capturing blue eyes. The way he adjusts his glasses when they fall down his nose. He tilts his head just slightly, "are you sure? Would you like me to inform Mr Aizawa that you are unwell and need to leave to get some proper rest?" I shake my head, smiling a little, "I'll be okay... Thanks anyway though, Iida..." he nods once and returns his gaze to the front of the room, once again concentrating on the lesson Mr Aizawa was teaching. I yawn and rest my head on the desk again. Out of the corner of my eye I see Iida staring at me again. I close my eyes and wait for the lesson to end.
(Time skip to after class)
I hear the bell and lift my head up, everyone is rushing out to get to lunch. I decide to wait until everyone leaves before getting up. I get up with a sigh and as I start walking out of the room I feel something grab my arm. I turn and see Iida holding my arm, looking a little dishevelled. He let's go of my arm and quickly composes himself. He clears his throat, "I sincerely apologise for stopping you Kaminari but I just wanted to inform you that I took it upon myself to alert Mr Aizawa of your state. If you need to excuse yourself from the lesson you have both mine and Mr Aizawa's permission to just leave if you need to." he smiles and I feel the room get a little brighter. I smile back and thank him before heading off to the bathroom. I walk into the bathroom and a gust of cold air envelopes me. I take a deep breath and lock myself in one of the stalls. I sit on the toilet, roll up my sleeves and remove the bandages I put on earlier. (there is no selfharm here but there is descriptions of blood and cuts so if you don't want to read skip to the next bold area) My arm is red and bloodstained from the cuts lining my arms. I trace my finger over the thin layer of skin keeping my wounds from bleeding. I sigh and pull my sleeves down. (end of descriptions) I lift my legs up and hug my knees. 'I'm so fucking weak... I can't do anything anymore...' I feel tears start to pool in my eyes. I don't bother trying to stop the tears from falling, no one can see me anyway. I sob quietly into my arms for a while. I know I'm missing class but I don't care right now. "Kaminari? Is that you?" I hear a voice, sounding a lot like Iida, from outside the stall I was in. I feel my heart start racing in my chest. I can't let him see me like this. I stay quiet to see if he goes away. "I hear you in there, Kaminari?" I quickly wipe my face of tears and try to sound normal. "H-Hey Iida" I start to stand up, ready to leave. 'Shit I stuttered'. "Are you alright in there Kaminari? You don't sound alright." I open the door and find Iida there. He looks at me, his face showing mostly concern. I smile a little. "Hey Iida, sorry, I was just on my way to class..." Iida looks confused. "Kaminari, classes finished an hour ago." My eyes widen as I fish my phone out of my pocket. He was right it's 4:10 pm. Shit. I force a laugh but it comes out more of a choked sob and I give him a closed eye smile trying to play it off, acting like I'm tired or some shit. "Heh, sorry I guess i just lost track of time." Iida looks suspicious, almost like he doesn't believe him. I feel my heartbeat quicken with anxiety. 'That wasn't a good enough lie. Shit he's getting suspicious, I need to leave NOW!' I start to turn to walk away. "Sorry Iida, but I have to go. I'll see you later..." I smile and start walking out, heading back to my dorm. I make it out and my smile falls as I escape any prying eyes that might see me. I sigh, exhaustion weighing heavily on me. I smile again just before walking into the dorms, preparing to see everyone gathered in the common area. I walk in, confusion evident on my face as I'm met with no one. All the lights are out and it's silent. I hold up my smile, expecting them to jump out when I turn the light on. I walk over and flick the switch for the lights and I'm surprisingly met with nothing. Despite the rising frustration of having to keep this ridiculous smile, I walk to my dorm looking as happy as possible. After walking up two flights of stairs, I'm convinced there is no one here and decide to let my smile fall. I sigh heavily and slow my pace slightly. I continue walking up the stairs to my dorm, slower than usual because of the exhaustion pulling me down. 'why do i even bother?' I pause on the stairs and lean against the wall. Almost immediately after I stopped, my mind is overwhelmed with noise and unwanted thoughts. 'I'm so fucking lazy. No wonder no one ever wants to hang out. I'm a failure'. I squeeze my eyes shut and rub my face as a few small tears slip down my cheeks. I open my eyes and push myself to keep walking up the stairs. I take one step and hear a voice behind me. "Kaminari?" It sounds like Iida. "Kaminari are you alright? Are you crying?" he sounds worried. '... Shit'.

1708 words

Hey, I know this probably isn't the best because I haven't really kept up with it but I tried and here it is so.... Hope you enjoy, have a wonderful day/night. See you in the next chapter. 🖤

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