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Craig woke up with a splitting headache, coughing, and a sore throat. Tweek texted, asking where he was, he just told he he didn't feel good. Tweek rushed over to Craig's house ready to take care of Craig. "Are you gah okay c-Craig?" "It doesn't seem so." Tweek checked his temperature, "gah- y-your burning u-up!" He got Craig some soup, and bread, and told him to eat up.
After Craig was done, he got a little sleep.
When he woke up, tweek was snuggled up to him.
He looked angelic, like so adorable.
He was wrapped around Craig's arm, so Craig didn't move, as he didn't want wake him.
Craig had to get up though, he ran to the bathroom, waking tweek, and he started puking, (probably rainbows) tweek came to him, and patted his back, and got him some crackers.
When Craig was done throwing up, tweek gave him some water, and the crackers.
"Thanks tweek," Craig said in his monotone voice.
Tweek just replied, "any-gah-time,".
Craig stayed in the bathroom for a while, hoping not to throw up again.
Craig then went to his room, so he could get some rest.
He woke up next morning, with next to him, tweek.
"You s-should go to the gah doctor," tweek suggests
Craig nodded, as it hurt to talk.
They drove to the doctors office, to see what with Craig.
After they checked Craig, they told him he had strep, and to take anti-biotices.
When they got home, Craig rested after getting some food, then went to sleep.
He hoped tomorrow would be better.

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