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I hate all ships with Craig or tweek that isn't creek.

Tweeks P.o.v
Craig and Kenny were fighting again. I like, no love Craig. Craig and Kenny were falling out of love, and it had been two weeks, I mean it makes sense, they would only hold hands, or call each other pet names. I heard Kenny, wait, I am listening.
"You cheated on me!" "Oh yeah, how's tweek!?" "Fuck you, we are friends, by the way, you slept with, well let me see here, Bebe, Wendy, butters, red, you slept with my cousin, you slept with Annie, a possum-!" "Mr possy is very suductive!" "Oh fuck you! You also fucked Heidi!" "Yeah, maybe if you let me fuck you, I wouldn't have to!" "It has been two weeks, I am not gonna get fucked that fast by some, slutty whore, mother fucking, piece of shit, cock sucking, bastered dick licking, poor piece of shit! WE ARE DONE!" "Wait, Craig no!" Kenny cried as Craig walked away, I followed him without him knowing, and tracked him down to starks pond. "Take a seat tweek," he said, "wait, you knew I was here?" "Yup, you aren't very sneaky, unless you call tip toeing, and making 'ack' or 'gah' every 5 seconds," "so, are you sad?" "Nope, mad, really fucking pissed," "wanna talk about it?" "Sure, it all started, yesterday, I came to his house, to find him having an 7 way, 'what the Kenny!' 'Damn it craig!' Then we didn't talk until this morning, and the real reason we never had sex, is cuz I have a cock block crush," "who?" "Um, you," "really?" "I know, you probably don't" I shut him up with a kiss, it was supposed to be a peck, but turned in to a make out session pretty quick. " ack believe I do, like you," "really?" "Yup," "I know you will say no, but will you be my boyfriend?" "YES!" We walk back in holding hands, Kenny says, "just friends huh," "I had a cock block McCormick!".

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