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I am a total nerd when it comes to sci fi, not Star Wars, that's bullshit magic.
Oh, and this in the original series

Star Trek AU

Captain Craig's P.o.v
"Captain, there is a cartman ship approaching," ensein brofloski says, "arm phasers just in case," I reply," "gah, captain, I suggest we go to red or at least yellow alert," first officer tweak  says, "your right honey, red alert, fire phasers!" "Aye captain," marsh says, awoo awoo. We fire phasers, and we are able to knock down their shields fairly quick, "gah, Craig I'm scared," tweek says cuddling up to me, "shh, it's okay honey, we are going to be fine, "captain, their shields are back," "fire photon torpedos," "we are being hailed sir," "open a channel," "well well well, the fags of the craigterprise have come to play," cartman says, "we are going to kick your fantass," "that's it, fire!" The channel closes, "okay, fire everything we got," we finally destroy them, and I see catmans frozen body floating in space, what a fatass.

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