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Tweeks P.o.v

My crush, is my bully. I have a crush on badass Craig tucker. But he bully's me, so he could never
Like, let alone love me. He walks up to me, "move spaz, or I'll dump that coffee right on your head," I quickly move out of his way, as I was saying, he is a lone wolf, he didn't even let people get close to him ,exeptfor his 4 friends. Besides, every girl in the school is after him, and there is no way is is gay. I need to either win him over, or get over it, that's it, I'll ask his friend token, at least he has dignity. I go up to token, and ask, "does Craig have his eyes out for anyone?" "If he did, he wouldn't tell us, also, why do you want to know," "just do," "ok, well he wouldn't tell us, he wouldn't tell anyone, he hates relationships, or maybe he just doesn't want to get embarrassed, who knows," "thank you, bye," I say before walking off, "wait, he said some blond was cute," "who?" "He just said 'man, this one blond is adorable," "thanks," so that could be me, Bebe, Annie, Kenny, butters, or some other blond. I need to do some detective work.

Craig's P.o.v

Man, that tweek kid is a freak, who am I kidding, he is the single most cutest thing in the world.
I can't treat my crush well, I can't even say hi to him, all that co,es out is, "fuck you," or, "get out of my way spaz," and than some insult, or threat. I am a horrible person, I can't even be nice to the kid I like. I am a shitstain on society. My friends tell me liking, or loving someone isn't bad, i know that, but my self esteem is shit, that's why I bully people, i should try talking to token, I go over to him, "so, how was your day Craig, and what do you need," "fine, and did anyone ask about my crush on tweek?" "Tweek asked if you have you eyes out for anyone, I told him you said a blonde w@s cute," "oh jeez, what do I do!?" "Ask him out, it's obvious he returns the feeling," "really, how," "he stares at you in class, I took his note book once, and it was covered in pictures of you," "really," "be nice to him, say sorry, do that," "okay," I go over to tweek, "hey, I'm sorry for treating you like shit,"

Tweeks P.o.v

"Hey I'm sorry for treating you like shit," "really, you aren't playing a prank on me?" "Yes, I am sorry, and I treated you like shit, when I was just trying to make myself feel better," "okay, thank you, is it to soon to ask if we can be friends, I've always wanted to be friends with you, even though you bullied me," "sure," then he walked away, so, this is good, maybe I won't have to get over my crush anyway.

Time skip to the next day

It's lunch, and I am going to sit on the floor by myself, when Craig, Clyde, and token come up to me, "need somewhere to sit?" Craig asks, "that would gah be nice," I head over there with Craig, and his friends, we talk, and it turns out we have more in common than I thought. At the end of lunch, I walked out, and went to science.
Time skip 2 weeks

Craig's P.o.v
I need to ask tweek out. I just need to, I have so many chances each day, but I don't take Them. I need to do this. I walk up to tweek, "so, tweek," "gah yeah," "I was, well I was wondering if you wanna go on a date with me?" "I would Gah love to," he said with excitement in his voice.

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