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Craig, and tweek knew what day it was, it was the day they both go shopping together.

"Aight, lets go," Craig said, as he put on his jacket.

"Gah c-coming gah," tweek replied.

Shopping was a nightmare for the 2, they would both get there own carts, with their own mini list, but tweek would always end up in the soup isle, which was huge, and get lost.

Craig would have to find him, and they didn't talk on the way home, because when they did, soup would always come up.

This time, was no different.

Tweeks P.o.v

I did not know where I was, how I got there, but I was just looking for a new comfiest machine.

I was in a trance, and when I snapped out of it, i was in the soup isle.

"Damn it," I cursed under my breath, welp time to call Craig, ring ring click, "yes?" "Soup gah I-isle," "stay there,"

Craig's P.o.v

Shopping, was not favorite thing to do, not with tweek any way, I mean I love him, but he always ends up in the giant soup isle, if it was any other isle, it would be fine, but no the soup isle that takes up a quarter of the store.

So i got to the soup isle, and looked around, finally I saw him staring at soup.

"Can you not come to the soup are?" I asked

"No, I can not not," he replied.

We just got in the car after getting the groceries, and paying for them, and left.

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