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Craig's P.o.v
Today tweek is coming to my family reunion, I don't know how it will go though, most of my extended family doesn't know I'm gay, and some are homophobic. Ding dong, I go to the door, "gah, hi Craig," "come in tweek, so glad you could make it, stay by my side, aight," "sound ack good," "ok, come on in," we walk in, "everyone, shut up, and listen to me," I yell, "this is my boyfriend tweek," "wait, boyfriend, the fuck!" "I hear my uncle Jim yell, "boy, you were a fag this whole time, why I'll kick your queer ass," my family has to hold him back, "Gah, Craig, what's going on?" "Some of my family are homophobic, it's alright," "kid, you are gay, and dating a freak!?" I hear my uncle Tim yell, tweek cries a little, "you. Made. Him. Cry." I jump at him punching, and beating the shit out of him, when I finally stop, tweek is already cuddled back in to my arm, I might be spending the night at his house.

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