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Tweeks P.o.v

I had to start the plan, now.

I walk over to Craig's house, and knock on his door, he answers crying, I ask him what's wrong, he says Kenny cheated on him. Now the plan starts. "What, that's horrible," I am really good at acting, so it convinced him. He let me inside, and we talked.

We went to play video games, and stripe. He was really good at all the games we played. We talked about life, and other things, he then looked at his phone, and deleted Kenny's number. Score, step two is half complete.

When I was about to leave, he asked me if I could stay the night, double score. I told him okay, and we played with stripe, we then went to sleep. They woke up the next morning, " what was your gah dream a-bout?" Tweek asked. "It was a good dream, I kicked the shit out of Kenny," he replied with a mouth full of cereal.

Yess, my plan is going well.

We went upstairs, and played with stripe, and some call of duty. He beat me in ever single match, that's not me letting him win, I was one of the best players in our school, and I was trying my best.

He asked me if I wanted to stay another night, and I told him I could. We went to tweak bro's, and he helped me with my shift, we then walked away, back to his house. We then went to sleep.

The next morning, we had to get to school, so we rode the bus. When we got at school, Kenny was making out with butters, so Craig punched him, and told him to fuck himself, kenny just kept making out with butters. That made me mad, so I kicked him.

We then walked away, and went to class. Kenny tried apologizing, but Craig just got more mad, and it was a fight, Kenny is the only guy who could beat Craig, so I jumped behind him, and put him in a choke hold, until he passed out, Craig high fives me, and we walk away.

Three weeks later

Craig's P.o.v

I am going to ask twek out. I go to his house, and knock on the door, "yes" he said, "would you like to go on a date?" I asked. "YES!" He yelled.

They then lived happily ever after.

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