Love Letters (Jade x Drake)

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(This takes place in school!)

(Jade was in school right now! She walked up to her locker and opened it, when a letter fell out with a heart on it!)

Jade: Hmmm? What is this? Might as well read it!

Sweet, Jade,

I need to confess something to you. Ever since I met you, I can only think of your sparkly, green eyes. You filled my heart with unexpected joy and my head with amazing dreams of us together. My love can only grow more and more each day.

I dream of us cuddling and from time to time I would gently stroke your black hair while you keep smiling. In moments like these my life would simply be complete.

When I'm alone in the quiet, it always feels like I can hear your voice, whispering me sweet nothings, just like the blessed music of a Violin. I wanted to tell you this from a long time ago, you are a essential to me. You are everything to me!

My Darling Jade, please be sure I mean everything this love letter carries to you with all my heart. Once I saw your lovely eyes I knew there won't be anything more precious to me in this whole world. I want to take you away from the ordinary, away from any upset or misfortune and we shall go together to the lake.

You are the best I ever had and I must be the luckiest person to have you in my life. You are my sunny day in autumn. I'd give up all the cookies in the world to know that you will be right there beside me for the rest of our lives.

My heart skips a beat at the thought that soon I will bring you green roses to show you once more how dedicated I am to you, for all eternity.

With all my love to you,


(Jade was looking at the letter with tears running down her eyes. She never read anything more beautiful!)

Drake: Jade
Jade: Yes?
Drake: I want to give you this!

(Drake gives her some green roses. While Jade takes them, she looks at the letter. Then back at Drake. Then the letter. Then Drake. Letter. Drake...)

Drake: Jade, you make me so happy! I don't know what I would do without you!!! You are my everything! When I feel down, you make me cheer up! I understand if you don't wanna date. Just can we still be friends at the end of the day?

Jade: I L- Lo- L-
Drake: Huh?
Jade: Drake
Drake: Yes
Jade: I love you too!

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