During The Night (Charli x Light)

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Prompt: There is a power shortage, and the squad accidentally leaves Light and Charli alone.

(The whole squad was just playing some among us.)

Light: I found Jaxx's hams in the electrical room.

Jade: Okay, I was with Charli and Alex. It's gotta be Zach or Drake!

Drake: It's Zach!

Zach: No! It's-

(The electricity just randomly cut out)

Jaxx: Huh, what happened?!?!


Jade: HELP!

Zach: Everybody calm down! The all just go upstairs to get flashlights!

Drake: Okay let's go!

(The Squad goes upstairs and loaded themselves with portable light sources.)

Jaxx:  Light, take a flashlight. Light? Where is Light?

Jade: And, where is Charli

Zach: OMG we left them alone!

Drake: LIGHT


Drake: LIGHT


(Meanwhile With Light and Charli)

Charli: Light, I'm scared!

Light: Don't worry, you are with me!

(Charli starts to hug Light. Charli tightens her grip around Light. Light can feel tears on his shirt. Light hugs Charli back.)

Light: Charli, please stop crying. I am right here and I'm here to protect you.

(Charli looks at directly at Light's eyes. Lights puts his hands behind Charli's head and pulls himself closer to Charli. Light then kisses Charli!

Then, somebody shines a flashlight on them! It was Jaxx. They were still in the kiss. They were more visible than ever!)

Jaxx: Ooooooooh, Light, I didn't know you got some moves!

Light: Oh please SHUT up!

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