"Swapping Clothes" (Light X Charli)

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(The video above is by Shayne Orok on YouTube!)

(The video above has nothing to do with this lol)

(I also just realized that Inquisitormaster is a 13+

(Everybody was changing to get ready! Charli only clean shirts was a shirt that looked really UGLY and an orange shirt, but she wanted a nice clean different one!)

Charli: Hey Alex?
Alex: Yeah?
Charli: I need a shirt!
Alex: Well idk? Steal a shirt from Light or something I ain't giving you this! These dresses are for people who can rock fashion!
Charli: Oh o— WHAT HEY!

(Charli walks out and goes to Lights room! Light was in the bathroom so Charli could easily get in his room!)

Charli: These are all the exact same, bruh. Welp gotta work with what I got!

(Charli gets Light's clothing and changes in his room. She finishes changing and went back to her room!)

Charli's Mind: Smells Exactly Like Light!!!! Ima go downstairs now to get ready with the girls!

(Charli goes downstairs! Light tries to find his clothes, but cannot find them! Those were his only clean clothing!!!! He gotta ask the other boys for shirts!)

Light: Hey guys
Jaxx: God Light, put on some clothes!!!
Light: Sorry, I need some clothing since I ran out of clean clothes!!!
Zach: No luck here!
Drake: Sorry! Maybe you can WASH your clothes in the future!!!
Light: UGHHH

(Light walked downstairs, [he still has his towel on btw the didn't just walk in on the boys naked or anything!] and he went to the living room to see if he left his clothes there, until he saw Charli wearing HIS clothes!)

Light: Charli!!!!
Charli: Oh hey Light!
Light: What are you doing with my clothes!
Charli: Oh, I just needed clothes!
Light: But then I need clothes! Give those back!!!!
Charli: Hmmmm. Nah I look cute in them lol
Light: WHA—

(Charli then walked away, with an angry Light!)

Light's Mind: Charli! Why would she take MY clothes, I mean, she does look really cute in the— WAIT WHAT AM I THINKING!!!! Omg please just think normal! I need clothes! Wait, if she took from me, can't I take from her? Genius idea!

(Light goes to Charli room and goes through her drawer, he finds Charli orange shirt and black pants [I think that's her basic outfit] and a skirt! He wanted to take revenge, not look like a fool so he only wore the shirt and the pants! Lights Walks to the stairs, but what he didn't know was Jaxx noticed him a followed him! Light's walked downstairs and went directly towards Charli!)

Light: Hey Charli~
Charli: WHAT HEY! Those are my clothes!
Light: Welp those were my clothes!
Charli: Ok I'll give them back!
Light: Hmmmmmm Nah! I looked cute in them!
Charli: Light we gotta hurry up before somebody like Jaxx sees us like this!
Jaxx: Y'all a bit to late!

(Charli and Light screamed so loud! Charli his behind Light to hide herself!)

Jaxx: Were going now! Looks like you guys are going looking like that LOL!

(Everybody was at the front door while Light and Charli were right behind Jaxx)

*Charli and Light walked up and the whole squad laughed*

Zach: WOW Light you look so beautiful!
Alex: Charli, where you get those clothes! You rock in them!!
Light: Ok we get it we look ridiculous, can we change now!
Jade: NAH!
Drake: Sorry you gonna go like that now lol!
(The whole squad went outside besides Light and Charli! They were frozen! They were trying to make the other mad, but just made themself look like fools!)

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