Closer (Jade x Drake)

663 13 4

Prompt: Jade and Drake makes a 1000 iq plan to be alone together!

(Today, the whole squad was supposed to go to the mall. Two people did not wanna go and wanted to stay home with the other person. The two people are Drake and Jade! Jade and Drake made a plan earlier to pretend Drake is sick so Jade could stay to watch him so they would get to stay home alone together! Zach walks into Drakes room trying to wake him up)

Zach: WAKE U- oooooooh. You look awful!
Drake: Ughh same to you
Zach: Are you okay... you look sick
Drake: I don't feel good. I took my temperature, it says 102.2 degrees. I think I have a little fever...
Zach: Oh no! I guess we have to postpone our beach tri-
Drake: NO DONT
Zach:......... uhhhh
Drake: Just go without me.. I don't like the beach that much anyways.
Zach: Oh okay! Feel better soon!
Drake: Thanks bro!

(Zach goes out of Drakes room. When Zach left, Drake pulls out a mug under his bed with some hot water in it. He opened the water and spilled the water out the window, then set the mug near the window.)

(15 Minutes later)

Zach: Guys, Drake can't join us...
Alex: What!
Charli: Why not?
Zach: Drake has a fever...
Jade: Wait, what!
Zach: Yeah he I-
Jade: I'll watch him! I'll watch him...
Zach: Are you sure? You are gonna miss the beach!
Jade: Yeah, I am fine! Ima just watch him!
Zach: Okay Jade!
Charli: I'll just hang out with Light!
Light: You're so silly Charli, Tehee!
Charli: And you're so Cute, Light
Zach: Welp, bye Jade!
Jade: Bye guys!

(The others left. Jade sighs and goes upstairs into Drakes room. Jade and Drake smile at each other. Jade goes onto Drakes bed and starts to cuddle him. Drake then cuddles her back)

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