A Unique autobiography/philosophical reflection on our existence, as well as a statement about being poor in america, land of captialism. A young genius boy wanders Buffalo NY, abused, then gets committed to a sanitarium for many years, and even...
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"Dedicated to Joseph and Carol, both long gone, but never forgotten."
Intro: Welcome to my Uncommon Existence
Greetings fellow readers, and lovers of uncommon stories. You can call me Johnny, but JD, and JJ are also acceptable.Whichever works best for you... I happen to be them all.
I've got a story to tell you, one that will hopefully capture your thoughts,as it has mine for a long time. It's my personal story, and it's quite something I must say. As of yet, you don't know me, but I'm hoping you will in time. Fingers crossed.
I've got a tale to tell,but it's far more of a saga. Perhaps unlike any you've heard. If I've actually done my job properly, not only will you be entertained, amazed,or even possibly pissed off at times, but you may end up changed as well, but only if I've somehow succeeded in my work.
The sad part is I may never know. The curse of the remote writer I suppose. Reading has always been a very personalthing to me, but with many in these modern ages, it'snot, which is a shame. Sharing thoughts should ALWAYS be personal. Much like a session between a man and his favorite meal. A private matter, just between us. The devourer and the devoured,something to be relished and savored, and sensuously enjoyed to its fullest.
I mean consider this, here we are, you and I. I'm at a specific location and time, writing these words, and I know where I'm at at this very moment. But you? You might be anywhere on the planet (or off perhaps), and anywhere in time, and yet, here I am regardless, prying into your head just a bit, rummaging around, inserting Heaven knows what into your innermost thoughts. A bit intimate, don't you think? That's the POWERof writers (the good ones at least).
Who knows where we'll end up? Doing what? Thinking very odd or unconventional thoughts that may have never occurred in your mind. Considering paths in life never tried, venturing to places you've never seen. Or would even consider going normally, viewing the world a bit differently than before, and all because a writer got inside your head. Like a needle in the brain, Not lethal maybe, but enough to make a change, however small it may be.
So in a way that's my task. I've tied you down, got the latex gloves on, here's the needle(don't worry it won't hurt a bit, probably), and the kicker is, you chose this. You want the injection, nay, you beg for it. You want to see the true America, the poverty side of freedom and so-called "opportunity", and the sad fate of all those lonely weirdos and misfits. The poor strange ones who didn't fit the mold of what's considered "normal". This will not be the land of liberty you believe in, nor the optimistic hopeful country you've known forever. This will be a different place, born out of hardship, and showing lives lost to death and despair. Hopeful dreams unfulfilled, and a world of personal sadness,not just my own, but all poor outcasts from American society.
In our hearts we perpetually root for the underdog, the runt with spunk, the man of no means, the disadvantaged but stubborn guy with zero actual chance.
However we know in reality those guys never end up with the girl, nor true success,or the finest rewards of life,not in this horribly greedy world, but we can still hope. This will be the hard truth behind it all. It will be the dark side of our western existence, the road you've never travelled, and the facade of so-called american opportunity. Available maybe for a select lucky few, but not all, neverall.
I was one of those American children left out in the cold, and learned to fend for myself, or die, which almost happened on many occasions.This is my tale, one to read and remember. So here we go. The ride will be everything you expect, and a Hell of a lot more. As well as some things quite unexpected, exploring not just my own, but allof our base natures. and how we exist.
Maybe we'll share a few crazy laughs here, maybe a casual stroll down a dark pathway there, or perhaps even a frantic run for your very life on some lonely american highway, it's all here for your perusal.
Evil lurks here, never doubt that,in fact it walks boldly in the open, but Good exists as well, bright and righteous,but far more scarce. We shall endure the best and the very worst of this world, seeing things you probably never thought you'd witness. The shadowy underbelly, the darker side, and maybe glimpses of the gorgeous sunlit way high above from time to time. Yet still somehowsurviving, and perhaps thriving even, in some strange fashion. You'll meet some very odd characters (not counting myself of course), see new far horizons and highways, and experience amazing events undreamed of in normal life.
It's going to be told subtlyat times, yet still bold enough to make you view the world a bit differently,and maybe a bit askew. Like any good story that's worth its salt. Who's to say? Certainly not me.
I'm just here to tell it my way, that's my sole part in this.I lived this, and I hope to share my vision with you, if I can. By the way, a forewarning,an advance apology lets call it. There will be moments of joy, and even a sense of awe at times, but it won't be sunshine and rainbows. No happy little keebler elves living in a large tree making cookies, sorry. We will be exploring some very dark places certainly, but to truly appreciate the light you have to know the darkness, see it, touch it, experience its very nature, and sometimes even embrace it.
Then later, when you are finallyin the light, you can bask in its brightness, drink in its glory, swim in it, and truly appreciate the warmth, and be pleased that you actually made it! I hope you enjoy the journey, as they are meant to be enjoyed.
So here we go, my friends. Grab your coffee (or perhaps vodka in some cases, or maybe something a bit stronger) and let's sit down. Put your feet up, if you even have them. Let me tell you a strange story, quite eccentric, but still captivating, as well as a human one I hope.