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Professor Slughorn chose his favorite students wisely. A group of 8 students now sat in his class in a circle for his well-known Christmas Dinner, me being one of them. Magic has always intrigued me. Even back at the orphanage , I just knew at a very young age that I'm different, special in some way. My ability to talk to snakes for example. My ability to speak parseltongue is a gift, I did not have to waste my time learning it. Using my magic to scare those filthy muggles at the orphanage was a source of entertainment for me. I thought I was unique, no one else like me. But Professor Dumbledore then visited me at the orphanage, telling me that there are others like me. The very first thought that came to my mind was to be better than all of them like me, much more skilled, the most powerful, the most feared. I have spent the last five years preparing the perfect plan to take over the wizarding world. It is now time for action. As soon as this Christmas break ends, the destruction begins.

My gaze travelled to Professor Slughorn stuffing his mouth with the food, politely smiling and talking to the students in the room. This man might be one of the most intelligent people considering that he is a very well respected Professor at Hogwarts but how easily he can be manipulated. This is what I noticed about him when we first met five years ago. I knew I had to make a good impression to get him to trust me; and I did.

"Sir, is it true that Professor Merrythought is retiring?" I raised a question, all eyes were now fixed on me.

"I couldn't tell you if I knew, could I?" He responded politely again. All of his politeness is quite maddening but I keep calm, smiling through. "By the way, thank you for the pineapple. You're right, they are my favorite. But how did you know?" He continued.

I shrugged in response. "Intuition."

"Oh." was all he said with a smile before his gaze travelled to the clock. "Oh gracious! Is it that time already? Off you go boys." He stated as everyone prepared to leave the room saying their 'good night' and 'thank you'. I stayed back. I lightly hit the hourglass with my finger nails making a small echo in the room catching Professor's attention.

"Look sharp Tom. Don't get caught out of bed after hours. Something on your mind Tom?"

"Yes sir. I couldn't think of anyone else to go to. The other professors, well, they are not like you. They might misunderstand."

He nodded. "Go on."

"I was in the library the other night in the restricted section and I read something rather odd about a rare magic. I thought that could illuminate me. It's called, as I understand it, a Horcrux."

His expressions were soon replaced with shock and a sense of fear. "I beg your pardon?"

"A Horcrux. I couldn't fully understand it."

"What you're reading Tom is a very dark stuff. Very dark indeed."

"Which is why I came to you."

" A Horcrux is an object in which a person has concealed a part of their soul."

"But I don't understand how that works."

"One splits their soul and hides a part of it in an object. By doing so you're protected should you be attacked and your body destroyed."

"Protected?" I repeated.

Tryst -Tom RiddleWhere stories live. Discover now