=Warmth Within The Frost=

484 37 11


Girls' Dormitory

4 pm

A knock on the door startles you while you were about to drift into your lovely, evening sleep. You anyway get up to see who it was since neither Perrie nor Yuna were there.

"Who could it be?" You mumbled and said out loud before opening the door, "Who is it?"

No answer.

You hesitated a bit but opened...

It was the newbie- Kim Taehyun.

What was he doing in front of your room?? A boy? In the girls' dormitory?

"I don't want to create any kind of trouble. Just don't interfere with my life and matters." The man clad in an expensive black leather jacket gave a cold vampire-like look, said so and dashed off without waiting for you to react.

" The man clad in an expensive black leather jacket gave a cold vampire-like look, said so and dashed off without waiting for you to react

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You stood there, completely blank. Like... What the heck? 

You just tried to help him, if he can't take someone being nice, at least he should shut his yap up already and be off! Just because he's good-looking, did he mistake you for a random girl crushing over him?

There's no taking someone's unnecessary crap on your watch!

You put on your coat and ran out, holding your injured arm-muscles and bandaged legs, with your best possible speed. 

You caught up with him and began, "Hey! Wait! I was just trying to help you, okay? The least you could do is give me a 'thank you'. Don't you think?"

It was after this that he paid heed to you and turned over, facing you, "Firstly, I have a name and it's certainly not 'Hey'. Secondly, I didn't ask you to help me, so no thanks. Never repeat that and I certainly do mean it. NEVER!!"

He turned his back towards you to start walking away once again but you held onto his shoulder yet again to stop him. That was when he yanked your arm away and you fell on your stomach, hit the mats of the corridor. 

You squealed in pain as your sutures had probably opened up. Being a medical student you immediately covered your arm with your other hand, held the ex-retracted parts close to each other and cried in pain, lying down helplessly as you could do nothing.

You looked around for help or maybe Taehyun who would help you get up but no, you were wrong, the tattooed guy walked away as if nothing happened. You were absolutely disgusted. How could someone be so heartless? You even called out his name a couple of times with your eyes all full of tears but nothing... All in vain!


5 minutes later

Ground floor canteen

Taehyun's side

"Amanda, did you hear about the director's pup girl?" 

"The director's girl...? My mission?" Taehyun thought.

He crept closer to the two girls and tried to hear more about her.

"Yeah, bruh! She fell down, didn't she?"

"Yeah, about time that witch got what she deserved. I didn't even stop to help. Let her be."

Taehyun was the embodiment of agitation right now. He rushed towards them and swirled the girl, named Amanda, over harshly and growled in her face, "What about the director's girl? What happened to Y/n?"

"Ouch- She- Y/n- fell down... On the second floor- Let me go," she whimpered.


Author's POV

Without saying anything he sprinted towards her, skipping steps on the stairwell up the building.

Once he was up, he spotted her. She was there, on the floor, curled up into a ball, crying in pain... The same girl he argued with a few minutes ago. 

Guilt and bewilderment blazed over his mind all at once.

He immediately ran to her, picked her up in his arms.


Your POV

"Which one's your room, Y/n?" He asked in a low tone, seeming to blush.

"T-This one" You pointed towards a door which came after two rooms and he got in and rested you on one of the pink beds. 

"Sorry," he said following which he left, casting one last look at your scarred face and body.

Perrie smashed the door, "ARE YOU OKAY? WHAT HAPPENED?"

You kept staring at him. It was queer seeing him being so warm all of a sudden towards you. Moments after such an unpleasant exchange.

"Guess he's not that bad after all..." You thought.

"I'm not the bad guy Y/n. I hope you will understand." 

Taehyun slowly sauntered and vanished in the evening haze... Leaving everyone in wonder.

"He's different. Queer, isn't it Y/n?" You got the chills, thinking about him.

"She's different, genuine... Unlike what I was told. I'll protect her," he chanted while going to his room.



Dat woz eet


<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

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