Chapter 1

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    Aelin was stirring Rowan still couldn't believe he had let her burnout he had never any other of his charges even get close to one and yet here Aelin was twisting and turning in bed. He turned back to the letter he was writing to Maeve on what happened over the holiday. Rowan felt so bad he almost felt as if he could feel her pain which isn't possible. Again Rowan looked up but this time he saw Aelin blinking her eyes adjusting them to the light, Rowan gave her a glare which earned a snort from her. She says
" I wake up and I get a glare from you a thought that since I was hurt it would change things I guess not." She shrugged, he handed her a glass of water and sent a servant to get her some chicken broth to eat.

  After Aelin had eaten they sat and talked Rowan hated to admit it but he actually enjoyed talking with Aelin she wasn't the worst company ever apparently. When he brought Aelin to his room she hadn't argued in fact she seemed to like the idea of sleeping beside Rowan. When Rowan sat down beside her he couldn't stop himself from pressing his lips against hers , she seemed to freeze up against him then she kissed him back and licked his bottom lip he made the mistake of opening his mouth for her, before he knew it she was naked under him and he was thrusting into her.

  Rowan Whitethorn never regretted that night until now as he smelt Aelin changed scent he had fucked up big time Aelin was pregnant.

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