Chapter 2

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Aelin felt like shit she had been for awhile now too she didn't know why but everyday without fail she would throw up thankfully it would only happen once a day, and to top it off she felt extra tired. It also didn't help that people would give her weird looks whenever she passed. The only one who acted sorta normal was Rowan and even now he still asked if she needed more water breaks and would end practice earlier for her. She was getting sick of people treating her this way she was capable of doing everyday stuff it was just a virus. So one day she had gotten fed up with the way people looked at her so after dinner one night when she was cleaning with Emrys, Luca, Malakai, and Rowan she asked them
" why are you guys treating me like I'm not capable of doing stuff anymore just because I'm sick doesn't mean I'm not capable of doing everyday tasks." Everyone stopped talking at that and Luca whispered
" she doesn't know?" What didn't she know? What did she do? It was all such a confusing mess. Emrys cleated his throat and asked for her to sit down. She looked up at Rowan for guidence but his eyes were glazed as if a flashback of some sort. Emrys said
"Aelin you're pregnant." She what what how did this happen? Who was the father? Then it hit her it was Rowan, Rowan was the father of her child she didn't know what to do she couldn't breathe. She stood up and ran all the way back to Rowans rooms which she had been sleeping at these past three months. She didn't know if she would leave but she needed to be alone she needed to relax. Before she could think any farther she heard the door open it was Rowan. He gave her a small smile and sat down on the bed and patted the spot beside him. She sat down beside him without a second thought. He wrapped his arms around her and said
" we'll get through this together it was a joined effort and I won't leave you ." She snuggled into him and breathed in his scent and said
" what about Maeve what will happen if she figured out one of her cadre had sired a child?"
He said " I don't know but I'll be here for you whether it be from a far or up close I will be here for you and this baby," at that he put his hands on her still flat stomach which wouldn't stay that way for long she could already see the difference now that she thought about her appearance over the last three months. With that she fell asleep with Rowan holding onto her and she hated to admit but this was the best she had slept since before she knew she was pregnant because she knew Rowan was there to stay and wouldn't leave no matter what.

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