Chapter 8

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Fenrys was working outside of Doranelle when he felt his mate pull on the bond then he saw vision that happened earlier that day.

As I walked everyone inside with the horses left out in the field by there house I led my dad and Aelin through the house to the guest room with blabbering Bree following. Bree seemed to really like Aelin she just wouldn't stop talking. I let Rowan and Aelin unpack as I went to put Bree in her crib for a nap.
Vision ended

He had to get back home right after he finished helping with the flood that was about to reach Doranelle. So he winnowed with almost all of his power all of the villagers into Doranelle and told Maeve that was it. She said that I could go then I winnowed home where everyone was eating dinner. Rowan glared at me Aelin smiled at me Bree yelled "Daddy!" Rhea gave me a look that said I don't know what to do? I smiled and gave her a look that said just embrace the crazy. She nodded and kept on talking to Rowan and Aelin when Bree wasn't hogging her She must really like her. And Aelin said to him " So the floods fixed right?" We kept talking up until Bree and Aelin fell asleep on the love seat and we went up to sleep Rowan gently waking Aelin and Bree being carried by Rhea just before we were out of hearing range we heard Aelin growl at Rowan " Stupid buzzard why'd you wake me up I was dreaming of chocolate hazelnut cake." Then he clicked his younger and said was that an insult she growled again then got up. When we got Bree into bed and They were either sleeping or getting ready to sleep we laughed at what they said. We really were going be in for a challenge with everyone here but it was fine we would embrace the crazy.

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