Chapter 9

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When I got up the next morning I couldn't believe what Bree did to her room. She climbed out of her crib knocked it over one of her dresser doors was out and the trash can full of diapers thrown across the room.The noises from Bree making the mess must have woke Aelin up because she was standing there rubbing her eyes I said " sorry" she just shook me off and helped me clean up.

When we finished cleaning up the mess Aelin and I went downstairs to go get some Coffee and check on Bree. Bree was currently in her play pen trying to throw blocks over the gate of the pen. We were about to say stop when she threw a block and it hit the back of the play pen and bounced back and hit her in the face. I went to pick up a crying Bree and Aelin got a Boo Boo patch ( that's what Bree calls it) for her. When she was all cleaned up we got breakfast in her When the boys came downstairs. Both of them said good morning to Bree and came back in asking how she got hurt. So I said " Bree was throwing blocks out of the play pen and one of them bounced off the gate and hit her in the face ," I laughed and continued " I can't believe she did something that stupid." Aelin countered with " I was way more stupid one time I saw a cat in the alleys of Adarlan and tried to go down the stairs like it did and I ended up rolling down the stairs like a tumble weed." Everyone erupted in laughter at that and asked for another story of her as a stupid kid she only agreed if everyone else had to tell one. We agreed so she began another story " when I was three I used to read in dryers" Rowan snorted at that " one time I went to the laundry room in the castle and got in a dryer when an old lady who worked there asked me politely if I could get up I said no and went on to say something about privacy.Later that day my nurse maid Marion had to pull me out of the dryer because I wouldn't get out because I still had two more books to read." After that we all started laughing really hard I was trying to imagine Aelin now reading in a dryer but all I could see was her big bump and her saying could you hand me a book. After that everyone told stories forgetting about Bree whenever we walked into the room Bree was sleeping up against the wall with a fist full of fries. I asked " who gave her fries for breakfast?" While Fenrys said " that is 100% my child." Everyone stared at Fenrys and we shook are heads at him and I went to pick up her and put her in bed while everyone else went to the living room discussing what Fenrys said I knew we had to talk everyone was in danger while Maeve was in charge of the boys we just hadn't had the guts to talk about it.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2020 ⏰

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