Chapter 5

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In the next three months Rowan and Aelins relationship only blossomed and grew for the better. Rowan was always there for her when she got sick in the morning and took her kitchen duty in the morning, he also was there for her in a mental aspect he was there the first time she felt her child move and when she started the second trimester and her absolute favorite when she felt it kick on the outside the first time. He promised he would never leave her and he didn't she was just glad for the support. One day when She woke up Rowan wasn't there She usually woke up after the kitchen duty and Rowan would give her breakfast. She started to get up and headed for the kitchen. She was almost there when she smelt Rowan, what was he doing in a deserted hallway she was going to listen in on the conversation he was having she couldn't help that she was nosy. She recognized the voice as Fenrys and the other as Rowan what was Fenrys doing here? Fenrys said
" How could you be so stupid Rowan you impregnated the princess of Terresan and to top it off Maeve wants to know why you've been gone so long, she says your letters have been to vague for her liking and that you didn't answer her letter from a while ago and asked me too check on you, I'm not going to tell her but next time she's sending Lorcan so I would be careful."  Rowan said
" you think I don't know this is a problem but it was a mistake, I didn't mean impregnate Aelin but it's what happened I can't change the past it's fine I may not be able to be there for them but for right now I'm able to and I'm going to stay and not going to regret this I never will."
Fenrys's face didn't change when he said
" This isn't about you it's about them this baby is going to be in danger forever up until either Maeve dies or it does."
I walked in right then and there they both turned there heads and froze i said just to break the ice
" by the way Fenrys it's a girl."
Fenrys nodded and turned to leave but then turned back and said
" I have nothing against you really it's just a situation that has me stressed and I don't want to be caught in the middle of it." I gave him a small smile and as he left turned to Rowan, it may have just been me and my hormones making me horny but Rowan whenever he was mad mad so hot. He faced me a scowl still visible , I couldn't take it anymore I shoved him against the wall and kissed him. Rowan reacted fast and ran his hand up and down my thigh, then he started kissing my jaw, then neck , then the base of my throat. His touch's has me arching my back then he pulled away I gave him a pouted look but then i saw him point to the bedroom. I gave him a evil grin we went all the way back to our room then we both paused at the bed looking at the other trying to see if we should do it again. I gave him a pointed look that said I'm already pregnant what is having sex one more time going to do make me double pregnant? He then gave me a look that said i was just making sure I want you to be comfortable. I snorted and gave the look that said I'm six months pregnant I'm always going to be uncomfortable but having sex with you will give me the relief I'm looking for. I smiled and we did the job.

Later I was completing what Fenrys  said about being in my situation. I told Aelin as much and we decided we would sneak to Doranelle and stay with Fenrys until she had the baby I asked her if she was ok with that and she said what it's not like she could be anymore irritable. I snorted and said to herI'm sure you can be more irritable. She laughed at that and kissed me again.

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