Chapter 3

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Even though Rowan said he would be there for me he never was he was always either writing to Maeve or ignoring me as best he could. The only progress they made was that they slept together but it was nothing more than him turning away from me in bed to make as much distance between us. To make it even better Rowan was never there for her in her in the morning every time she would get up to throw up and just leave her there to retch in the toilet. If this was Rowans idea in progress I didn't think he would ever be there for me.

This morning when Aelin woke up to do her daily retching I decided to get breakfast. When I got there Emrys asked if I wanted to take some to Aelin , I had never thought about doing that maybe that would show her I was there for I was trying really hard I just had a hard time being sympathetic . It had only been two weeks since Aelin found out she was pregnant and three since I found out.I still needed time I mean she wasn't my mate but she was so hot and it gave him a chance to restart and be a parent even if it wasn't who I wanted it to be with. I wish I still had time to figure it out but I didn't so I just settled for doing the bare minimum. I thought about what Emrys asked one more time and came to a conclusion it would help Aelin think that I was there for her and it would be something nice I could do so I took both of ours back so we could eat together.

When I got back to the room I saw Aelin crying on the bed she looked so broken I didn't know what to do. I had to think like I did the first time I talked to her with my full heart and use my feelings and stay calm and collected as much for myself as Aelin. So I set down the food and stood by the bed and rubbed her back. We stayed like that for minutes hours all I know is she started to relax. When she had stopped crying for good she turned to me cheeks still wet from crying, she said
" Rowan I know you said you would help but it feels like you couldn't be any farther apart why can't you be there why won't you be there?" At the last word her voice cracked he didn't realize he was doing this to her he thought he was doing enough she just seemed so strong she always had an attitude that she didn't need help she kept herself closed off and he guessed he needed to tell her. So he took a deep breath and said " I can't be there for you because I don't want to lose what I have with you this child and while thinking I guess I just pulled away." She gave a bitter laugh and said " But why can't you tell me the full story you don't trust me with the truth do you?" She couldn't be farther from the truth so he took a deep breath and said " I lost my mate ," at that she sucked in a big breath " and I was going to start a life with her Maeve didn't want me to be with her so to earn back her trust I went to war later I heard from someone that the mountains where are house were were being attacked so after I heard I flew back to there as fast as I could ." Tears were streaming down both are faces now " I didn't get there in time and when I got there she was gone and to make matters worse she was pregnant and I didn't even know ." Aelin now was sobbing these hormones were really getting to her she said " I'm sorry I didn't know." I nodded and said " I know you didn't but that doesn't give me an excuse for this behavior I will try to be here just give me a little time." I pointed at the food on the floor and said " see I'm trying to get better." She laughed and said " ok." Life was full of surprises and this was just another one it threw at him and he wasn't going to let his past make him lose his chance at being a father to a new child. So later that night when I they went to sleep he faced her and told her goodnight.

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