Chapter 6

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When I got back to Doranelle I ran straight to Rhea and my rooms she had to know what was happening. She jumped out of her seat ran to me kissed me and growled " What." I understood why she was mad I mean I just told her that her father was Rowan. Then it hit me I had to tell Rowan ugh I forgot to tell him from the surprise of Aelin being pregnant then to finding out it was his kid. He didn't need anything else on his mind so I guess it was good I kept it from him. I had to tell Rhea I had to she was going to be a sister I didn't know how she was going to react but it's what was happening. So I just went out and said " Your going to be a sister." She looked at me like I was joking and shook her head but I said " smell this than."She shook her head took Rowans top and smelled and said " What." So I said " that is your dads shirt smell it again ok." She looked at me weird but did just that then I handed her Aelin shirt. She smelled it and dropped it. It was a mix of her and Rowans smell. She looked at me and said " you weren't kidding were you." I nodded she then said " Why can't I meet him why can't I meet her will I ever get to meet my brother or sister." I then said " sister ." She gave me a cheeky smile and had tears running down her face and whispered "sister ." Right then and there our daughter started crying.i went and hugged my mate and went to pick up our daughter Bree. This was a crazy situation we were in and we had to help Rowan and Aelin we didn't know how or when but we would.

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