Chapter 7

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Within a week Rowan and I were on the way to Doranelle. Rowan could still smell Fenrys when we started out and then near where Fenrys lived with whomever he decided was going to warm his bed for a week or so. We smelt a mix of Fenrys and Rowan but not Rowan. Rowans face seemed to white then a toddling girl came out running she ran up to us and said " up ." I laughed at the authority in her voice and picked her up. Rowan still looked like he was about to faint but this little girl was lost maybe. Then I thought about the smell this was Fenrys child but what did Rowans smell have to do with it. Just then a girl who looked to be at least 28 but considering Fenrys bedded her I would guess she had already settled so she could be anywhere from 28 to like 700 stepped out of the shadows.

Rhea couldn't believe what she was seeing her father in her kids hands. She saw Bree run off saying someone here she didn't think she would actually go and run off but she did and when I was chasing after her I smelt i scent that smelt like the shirt that smelled like my dads girlfriend and my dad. When I stepped out I saw him stop and turn to me he looked exactly like the Cadre said from his silver hair and face tattoo and his eyes my eyes Brees eyes. I could tell that his girlfriend was a good person she took good care of Bree and was talking with her like she could understand everything a 2 year old said and barley anybody could understand Bree. It was nice to think of her being my dads girlfriend but she looked as if she was just 20 like she hadn't even settled yet. But she looked beautiful and so nice if anything arrogant. I couldn't believe I got to meet them and eventually my sister.

I couldn't believe my daughter and granddaughter. Who raised her how did she have a child with Fenrys he was so dead how did Lyria survive. Was she alive but no he felt for that bond but nothing came up she was dead but his daughter. She had his eyes and so did his granddaughter. She had Lyrias face and hair but the way she was built the muscular body just like him. She said " Hi come inside the house you know my mate .... that's out daughter Bree and I'm Rhea." She gave us a small smile and Aelin handed her Bree. Rhea said thanks and sorry for her coming up but she said it was fine. He guessed they would get along so he followed his not dead daughter granddaughter and his pregnant girlfriend well at least he was assuming girlfriend considering what they did a little more than a week ago into Fenrys and his daughters house.

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