Chapter 4

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In the one week that passed everything had gone from Just ok to great. Rowan started eating breakfast with me everyday and on Fridays would give me a price of chocolate if I didn't insult him. Which hadn't happened she was close though she just called him a Centuries old idiot once. So her new goal was to not insult him which was harder than you would think. He was an overbearing mother hen for gods sake.

The one thing that didn't change was the letters to Maeve which were all fake due to the fact she couldn't exercise very well at all. One day she went to get the mail and found a letter from Maeve she wondered what that was about she thought about opening it but Rowan could tell if she tampered with it even though she could fool peasants or business men Rowan was neither of those so it was a big no no. So she just set it on his desk and went on with her day oh but how it bugged her.

Later that day when I got in my room now Aelins room too and saw a letter from Maeve oh gods what did she want. He had to read it and it she would send someone to check on me but right now he was going to set it to the side so he could spend time with Aelin and process what she could want.

Right before Rowan and I went to bed I still saw the letter from Maeve sitting there I didn't know why he didn't open it but I didn't want to barge so I left it alone.

Rowan didn't ever get to the letter and Aelin never barged in on it so that letter laid there for a while until it got covered up and eventually in the garbage.

In Doranelle Maeve sat on her throne and ordered Fenrys to go to Mistward and check on Rowan and her dear niece in how training was going.

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