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Finn was home before everybody else, her parents were both at work and her siblings either attending classes at university or doing who knows what, in her sister's case there was probably a new man involved. It was rare that Finn ever got this type of silence, with all three of her siblings still living at home, much to her parents displeasure, there was seldom a moment of peace in the household. Finn walked through her house to get to the kitchen where she poured herself a glass of orange juice before heading upstairs to her room. She was lucky enough to not share a bedroom with her sister, Harper, she'd refused to continue rooming with Finn when Harper turned 13, Finn was 8 at the time. So thus, their parents converted the attic into a bedroom for Finn's irritating, self obsessed older sister.

Her brothers, Dylan and Nico shared a room and had no trouble with it at all, since Nico was barely at home, he was usually at his girlfriends, Dylan basically had the room to himself. Finn was the baby of the family, only by three years as Dylan wasn't yet 21, there was an 8 year gap between her and Nico, who was the oldest of the four, but she got on better with him than the rest of her siblings, and he was barely home. Finn often got treated as the baby too, the blame would always be forced on her, even if she wasn't in the house, the chores always given to her, although she rarely obliged to do them, and her feelings always getting put to the side. That was the thing she hated most.

Finn entered her room and moved toward the desk which she then proceeded to climb over to take a seat on the window ledge, opening the window slightly so she could have a clearer view of outside, although the only thing she saw was inside Ashton's room. She'd never really paid that much attention to Ashton, or maybe she did subconsciously, but it was only now she was really noticing him, perhaps because he was noticing her too. Finn grabbed a notebook from her desk and flicked through it until she found an empty page. Finn did like to draw, as much as Ashton had thought she wasn't the 'type' to do arty things, but she was and there were endless amount of pages in the notebooks strewn across her desk to show that.

There were plenty of things that people didn't know about Finn, or perhaps she just didn't show them. Ashton assumed a lot of things, he probably assumed she wasn't a nice person without even speaking to her, like he assumed she wasn't creative without knowing her. Maybe with time Ashton would learn to stop assuming. Finn looked across the street to see Ashton, how surprising, in his room. She didn't think Ashton had seen her but clearly he had, Ashton was sat by his own window, looking right back at her before getting out his phone and typing rapidly, he shot her a smile and her phone buzzed on the desk.

From: Ashton the Great

You okay?

Finn smiled slightly, not enough to let Ashton see.

To: Ashton the Great

Perfectly fine

From: Ashton the Great

You look extremely happy

Finn leaned out of the window a bit more and smiled at Ashton, middle finger in the air.

From: Ashton the Great

Definitely happy

Finn didn't bother replying, she put her phone down and continued doodling over the lined paper that she would've preferred to be plain. It was silent apart from the gentle wind rustling the trees and the odd car going down the road, she knew she wouldn't have it for much longer as Harper would likely be home soon.
There was a knock at the door causing Finn to groan as she assumed that time had come sooner rather than later. She carefully stood across the desk and jumped down, making her way out of the room and heading down the stairs. When she opened the door it definitely wasn't who she'd been expecting.

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