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"Can you just talk to me for a minute? Please Finn." Another day another family member trying to speak to the very unsociable, Finn. Finn was the type of girl who despised talking about her feelings but her family thought it was strange. They insisted she 'got help' or had to 'speak to someone', they thought it was unhealthy for a 17 year old to be so emotionless. Finn disagreed.

The members of her family all wore their hearts on their sleeves, with two older brothers and her twenty-something sister Harper who couldn't stand being alone and had a new boyfriend every other week. Finn on the other hand, preferred being alone and single. Surprisingly for a girl her age, she hadn't felt a connection towards anyone, there'd been guys who always wanted something more but Finn couldn't deal with commitment, or so she said.

"Mum, I don't need your therapy session. I need you to leave me alone." Finn slammed the front door to her house and trailed down the drive to sit on the step at the small iron gate that sat in between a large hedge. Thinking space, that's what she needed. And a lot of it. Finn pulled out her iPod from her pocket and put her earbuds in, she decided All Time Low was a good choice for this morning. She looked around the somewhat empty street, the usual suspects were around at this time, mum's taking their kids to school in their large 7 seat minivans, old men cutting the hedges outside their houses and teenagers shouting at their parents as they leave for the day. The irony.

Finn looked over at number 23, the house opposite from her own. The house of a boy who's life she envied, although she would never admit it. Ashton Irwin was leaving his house the same way she did, yelling at his mum. The only difference was he laughed after and told her he loved her. Ashton pulled out his headphones and placed them carefully over his curls. He fixed his bandana and walked down the street, whistling the tune of a song that sounded familiar. Ashton had a life she dreamed of, he was happy, his family acutally like him and he had real friends. He seemed to be so comfortable in who he was, Finn was just envious of all the good he seemed to have in his life. Although she'd never spoken to him or anything.

Finn decided she'd left the wait to go to school long enough and trailed down the same route she had always taken, the same as Ashton's. She was lost in her own thoughts again, walking fast with her head down, she passed him like she always did, at the corner where he met his friends. She heard them laugh about something Michael had done over the weekend, Luke started singing about Calum's new love interest as Ashton wolf-whistled. They loitered for a while as she overtook them and they casually strolled behind, not in a rush and without a care in the world.

Sometimes she wished she had friends like that, in reality she didn't have any. Just people she hung around with to make her not look like a loser, they thought she was a friend of theirs so she let them think as such. She wasn't popular or interesting, unlike the people she was 'friends' with. They adopted her into their circle when she first moved to the school two years before. They thought she was pretty and grunge, something they were missing from their oh-so-preppy clique. In all honesty she couldn't stand them. All they did was bitch about people less popular than them, in particular the guys that didn't look too disimilar to her. The boys in the too-tight skinny jeans, similar to the ones she was wearing and sleeveless vests that looked like they needed washing. Sometimes she wanted to tell her 'friends' to stop all their bullshit and be friends with other people. But she knew that would never happen. It was school, everybody had a place, even if they didn't want one. Finn's thoughts were interrupted when she walked neared the front of school and the bell rang, she sighed and carried on. The four boys behind her dragged their feet and started whining, she heard them even through ATL blasting in her ears.

"Who's up for a race?" Calum laughed and sped off in front of Finn.

"Come on, Ash!" Michael yelled as he pushed Luke almost knocking Finn over in the process, she whipped her head up to look at them but they were already gone.

"Watch where you're going, dickhead!" She shouted but they were out of range to even hear her whisper, Luke's legs were good for something at least.

"Sorry about that love!" Ashton said as he passed her, his light jog turning into a sprint, backpack flying around, he was obviously too busy trying to beat Luke when his bandana fell off. Finn stood in front of the bandana, wondering if she should pick it up or call him back but by the time she looked up he was gone, as were the other boys. She sighed and quickly picked it up, stuffing it into her pocket. She would have to give it back at some point, much to her displeasure. She wanted to avoid everybody at all costs, so giving Ashton back his bandana would not be fun. It wasn't that she didn't want to speak to him, or any of his friends for that matter, but it would mean letting go of her not-so-sunny disposition.

Go on unnoticed and you'll be fine. Don't talk to boys who wear tighter jeans than you or with legs that go on longer than the Harry Potter books. Don't do it, you know it won't end well.

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