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"If you would, I don't know, enlighten us," Dinah says over morning rations, sitting with the other girls, "who, uh, who are you guys?"

Beside Camila, Lauren sets her hands down, holding the bread she was eating. Expectantly, Camila sets her gaze on her and waits for her to talk.

"I'm the captain of the Dragonfly and this is—"

Dinah shakes her head, clearly not satisfied about where that was going. "No, no. Who are you? What's your backstory?" She's eyeing Camila and Lauren, her eyepatch resting atop her head.

The sight of the eyepatch makes Camila smile. Like how they were all trading pajamas last night, they did that this morning, too, but with regular clothes. And Dinah insisted on keeping her eyepatch—quite obnoxiously to say the least. Camila is wearing Normani's red striped shirt, some black trousers she found while digging through a crate, and Dinah's black bandana. Unsurprisingly, Camila really enjoys it. It feels like she's a real pirate.

Dialing back in on the conversation, Camila hears Lauren explaining her situation. She's heard it before, of course; she nursed her back to health. Camila imagines prideful stars appearing around her head, flourishingly.

Watching her as she speaks (but not really listening) Camila feels comfortable. She likes the clothes Lauren chose this morning; a simple poet shirt, a brown belt, with brown trousers, and boots. She wears a hat upon her head, as well. It's a good look for her.

"I'll let Camila tell the rest." Lauren concludes, gazing over to Camila who is already looking at her. Lauren's eyes tell a brief, gently surprise, but she doesn't say anything about it.

Camila feels her stomach churn. She hasn't spoken much to any of the girls on the ketch; only Lauren and they speak quietly, as if everything is their little secret. So she's nervous when the spotlight is shined on her.

"I'm, uh, a lighthouse keeper." Camila begins, her eyes flickering from Normani, Dinah, Ally (who is steering) back to Lauren. "Lauren washed up on my beach and I saved her. She's been living with me ever since."

"I like that." Dinah beams, her hands out in front of her as if imaging a billboard. "Imagine the story that could write. Star crossed lovers—"

Normani elbows her in the side, shutting her up. "Do not make them uncomfortable! Plus you're not even using star crossed right."

Crossing her arms and huffing, Dinah turns dramatically away from Normani. Normani rolls her eyes and smiles at Camila.

Lovers? That's not right. Her and Lauren are just friends. Glancing at Lauren, her cheeks are pink and she's unnaturally silent.

"So you weren't a pirate? I assumed you and Lauren came from the same crew. I know she said before you saved her, but still." Normani explains, leaning forward with interest. Camila shakes her head. "Well now you are a real pirate! Scallywag Camila—it has a nice ring to it."

A sharp chuckle comes from beside her. "Scallywag Camila." Lauren murmurs after her outburst, entertaining the nickname. "I like it."

"I can do better, just wait." Normani promises, rolling up her shirt's sleeves. "Metal Mila?" Both girls crinkling her nose in distaste, Normani laughs.

"Okay, okay. Not Metal Mila, got it."

Clearly tired of ignoring and being ignored, Dinah stands up and goes to talk with Ally several feet away. So far, out of the three new girls, Dinah has been the easiest for Camila to be around. She makes conversation for Camila, but is also bold and unfiltered. Normani, on the other hand, is quite when she has to and listens very well. She doesn't mind her, either.

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