Chapter. 01 You Da One

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The year of 2006

She remembered the first time she laid her young dark brown eyes on him. She was only eight years old and her father Troy had thrown a barbeque party at their house in San Diego, CA after SQT (SEAL Qualification Training). Kayla did not know much about the Navy Seals and what they did, but she knew her father Troy always hated BUD/S training. Whatever it was they did, she knew it was work hard not fun.

They completed training tonight and instead of going out for a night out, where they would surely get too relax and do what boys or men did fight...her father, LT.CDR Troy Jackson decided to keep his boys safe and close by. He used to tell her, he knew the hell the Navy put them through over the past five months, would cause some to get act out in get into fights while they celebrated. He cared about his men like they were his family. She had seen alot movies with men in charge in the military who were mean like Cruella De Vil to their Troops or trainees and treated them really bad. Her father was the complete opposite. All of his men respected him and only had to say nice things about him.

First, she wanted to spend all her time in her Disney Princess/Butterfly room, just watching her favorite Disney movies The Little Mermaid, Beauty and The Beast, Cinderella and last but not least Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, but with the loud 80's & 90's music in the background, she could not concentrate, and the smell of food from the grill, started to drift through her window; so she headed downstairs. When she went around the corner, she ran into him and bounced back. He caught her in his arms before she hit the ground.

"Wow kid, I'm so sorry," he said in a deep accent voice. "Are you okay?"

She looked up into his dreamy water green eyes. He was much taller than she was at her young age. Since her mother Sasha had left 2 years ago which she still love her mommy and she knew her mother Sasha loved her and her daddy too, it was that her parents need time apart but the young Kayla knew one day her mommy would come back into she and her fathers' life again. She never really read many fairy tales, but if she could ever imagine a Prince Charming, it was him.

"Are you alright, Kayla?"

He knew her name! Good thing because she had forgotten her own name. He had dark brown hair, she thought. Or could be blond. She never could tell because of the close shave they gave the new Seals through training.

"Yes, I'm okay," she managed to squeak out.

He finally let her go and smiled down at her. "Adorable kid," Michael thought to himself. He knew that the Lieutenant-Commander was a nice-looking man in that Blair Underwood, Denzel Washington and Morris Chestnut kinda way; that all women seemed to love. Even being a straight guy like Michael, he had to admit the LT.CDR Troy was a extremely handsome guy. But he figured this little girl took after her mom. He saw many pictures of the LT.CDR's wife Sasha before, in his office. She was the most beautiful woman he ever saw. So gorgeous in fact, she had beautiful hazel green eyes. She looked like one of the older black 80's  & 90's supermodels like: Beverly Johnson, Iman, Naomi Campbell and Tyra Banks. The beautiful models he use to look at in  the magazines.

"Well, the LT.CDR's or your father been telling me a lot about you. Nice to finally meet you," he said.

Kayla felt so strange staring up at him. She was actually embarrassed. She wondered what her father Troy had been telling him about her.

After a few seconds, Michael grabbed her hand and led her outside.

"Hey LT.CDR Troy, look who I found!" He yelled across the crowded lawn.

She saw her father Troy stop his conversation and lower his beer to look at her. He smiled widely and motioned for her to come over. She did not want to, but this strong handsome prince charming started pulling her hand as he walked swiftly over to her father.

"Ah, LT.CDR she's a beauty. You will have to watch her in a few years. Keep the boys at bay," one of the other graduates said. He was a skinny medium build-muscular tall kid with redish brown hair.

"Oh Lord, don't I know it. Maybe the fact that my body is a trained deadly  killing machine can help," he said through a smile.

They all laughed. Kayla did not really see what was so funny about that. She just stood there. She had been around her father's friends and Seals before, but for some reason this particular one who still held onto her hand made her nervous like she had butterflies in her tummy.

Her dad took her hand and pulled her onto his lap. "Alright gentlemen, this lovely and beautiful young lady or what I call her my princess is my baby girl Kayla Gianna-Rose Jackson." Her father Troy then proceeded to point out the all names of the men around her which she knew one of them already. "This is Chase, Deshawn, and Michael. And you know Daddy's bestfriend and your uncle LT.CDR Niko Garden."

She looked around at the 4 men including her father's bestfriend, her father pointed out. Chase Alexander Mitchell was the nice-looking tall, skinny medium bulid-muscular red who had spoken about her earlier. Deshawn Keith Williams was a good-looking black guy with a short high fade haircut. Michael was his name, and he was her prince charming come true. He looked down at her and smiled again.

"My name is Michael Benjamin Taylor, but you can call me MT if you want." He told her while he took her young hand into his and kiss it, just like the Disney prince's did in her fairy tale books.

Later that night Kayla sat on her customized Disney Princess themed bedding and wrote on a piece of her pink/lavender unicorn print paper over and over again Michael and Kayla Taylor. Kayla Gianna-Rose Taylor. She loved the sound and sight of that. From that day forward, she knew that her heart and soul belonged to him. And would never belong to another boy. Her eight-year-old mind went to sleep peacefully dreaming of Prince Charming.


To Be Continue.......

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