Chapter.72 WHERE YOU ARE(PT.7)💞💞

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The next week, Michael came to pick Kayla up for her doctor's appointment. He hopped out of his Jeep and opened the door for her. She slid into the seat and buckled up. She had forgotten how much she enjoyed riding in his Jeep. Especially in the summer, when he removed the top. They would speed downside streets on a sunny day, laughing and playing his music loudly, while her hair whipped around her face. She really did miss that.

When they reached the Dr. Parlson OB-GYN facility, Michael looked around the waiting room. There were a lot of pictures of smiling babies, mothers, and fathers. And there were five other women in the room as well, and all of them looked like they were about to pop. He glanced over at Kayla. She was reading a baby magazine. Michael was actually kind of nervous. He had never done something like this, and he wasn't sure what to expect. He looked over Kayla's shoulder at the article she was reading. It was about Yoga vs. Pilates during your pregnancy. Whatever, they both looked ridiculous to him.

Kayla whimpered for a moment and grabbed her stomach. Without thinking, Michael placed his hand on her stomach as well.

"You okay?" he asked.

"Yeah, your daughters just kicked me," she said, as she looked up at him, smiling.

"Want me to hit them back?" Michael joked. Kayla laughed, and turned back to her magazine. Michael stared at Kayla's profile. She really was amazingly beautiful to him. He still didn't know why a young woman like her would be remotely attracted to him. He felt he had nothing to bring to their relationship. He had always been pretty good at math, but he wasn't a brainiac like Kayla, who always wanted to be top of her class. He wasn't open and friendly with everyone. Or understanding. As a matter of fact, in his eyes they were complete opposites. But perhaps, maybe that's how it works.

"Kayla Jackson?" the nurse said, scanning the room.

Michael and Kayla both looked up. He grabbed her hand and followed behind the nurse. When they reached the examining room, Kayla sat up on the bed, while Michael searched around the room and stared at the equipment.

"What the fuck?" he muttered, while staring at the stirrups. "What does this shit do?"

Kayla laughed. "You lay back and put your legs on those."

Michael shook his head. "Looks like you're about to jet to the moon in that thing."

As they were sitting there in silence, Michael looked over at her. She had her hand resting lightly on her stomach, with her eyes closed. She wiggled around on the table for a second, and then looked over toward him.

"Is it uncomfortable? Being pregnant, I mean," Michael asked.

"Um, sometimes. But most of the time I'm fine."

"Are you scared? Like when it comes to the delivery part."

Kayla thought about it, "Yes. It makes me nervous. I just don't want it to be too painful."

"Kayla, can I admit something to you?" Michael asked.


"I, um, I think part of the reason I never wore a condom, was because, well, I think I kinda wanted this. I know that's horrible and very selfish on my part, since you are so young, and were headed off to school, but I just felt I should be totally honest with you about that. And I'm sorry."

Kayla laid there for a minute before she responded. "Well, I am just as much responsible for what happened as you are. I mean, I never really objected, so maybe I kinda wanted this to happen, too."

Michael laughed.

"What's so funny?"

"I always knew I'd knock up the homecoming queen," he said, smiling.

Kayla laughed out loud too. She was glad he was here with her. She had been anxious before he showed up at her house, but now, she was more relaxed than she had been in a long time. The two of them were still laughing when Dr. Parlson entered.

"Hey Kayla, we—, oh, hi, I don't believe we've met," Dr. Parlson said, turning to Michael.

"Oh, hey, Dr. Parlson, this is my, um, the, um, he's the--the father. Michael," Kayla finally stuttered out, while both men stared at her waiting for her to finish the introduction.

Dr. Parlson smiled at him. "Well, I would shake your hand, but I'm about to examine her. But nice to meet you."

"Likewise," Michael said

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"Likewise," Michael said. He hadn't expected her doctor to be a good-looking male. Plus, that salt and pepper colored hair wasn't fooling anyone, her doctor was much younger than he tried to appear.

After Dr. Parlson examined her, they began talking about her health and things she needed to do, or stop doing. Michael sat back, watched, and listened. He wanted to smile. He was so happy to be a part of all of this. He asked questions every now and then, and rubbed Kayla's hand.

After the appointment, Michael and Kayla grabbed a bite to eat before the trip home. As they sat eating their food, Kayla knew she needed to tell Michael about the 'extra' guest for Thanksgiving dinner. She hated to bring it up now, but Thanksgiving was a few days away, and she had to get it off her chest.

"Michael, I, my father thinks it's a good idea that I tell you something. I, um, I invited my friend Kian for Thanksgiving," she blurted out, while picking the sesame seeds from her bun.

Michael looked up at her and stopped chewing.

"Um, he's in one of my classes, and he had nowhere to go on Thanksgiving, so,

on a whim, I invited him to my dad's place."

He remained silent and stared at her. Kayla noticed his jaw twitch.

"So...I just wanted to let you know, so you won't be wondering who the hell he is. And again, he's just a friend from school. And it's only because his family doesn't celebrate the holiday."

Still, no emotion from him, other than the slow red creeping up his neck.

"Michael?" she asked, putting her cheeseburger down.

"Yeah," he answered quietly.

"Um, well, that's all I was going to say."

"Okay," Michael answered, and began to eat again. Truthfully, the food had lost its taste. He wanted to tell her 'oh, hell no, he's not coming', but he figured it was no longer his place. He could feel his breath quicken. He was trying hard to smother his temper. She actually had 'befriended' some guy? Oh, fuck, he couldn't go over there now. There's not a chance in hell he could sit in a house with Khris and this new guy Kian without starting some shit. In a small way, he felt betrayed. She wasn't his girlfriend anymore, but at this point, they would always be connected, and he was still fighting like hell to get her back. This was going to be a long ass holiday.


To Be Continue.......

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