Chapter.02 Birthday Naughty Girl (PT.1)

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                                                                                                           The year of 2016

"What about this one?" Kayla asked her friend Lori while they searched through the newest hip clothing store in the mall.

"Too long. You want something shorter if you plan on seducing him tonight," Lori answered back.

Kayla shot Lori the most evil look. "Sshh," she whispered to her. "I don't want everyone knowing. You know how things get back to my father."

Lori rolled her eyes and continued to look through the racks.

"I found it!!" Kayla squealed.

She had been searching for the right outfit for over a month. You should not take lightly the dress you were going to lose your virginity in. It was a colored, soft stain dress that tied around her neck and had a low plunging neckline showing off her full C's that she was proud of. After all, it took them until she was 17 to reach their full size. She had been flat-chested all through middle school and most of high school.

Since the dress was made of soft stain it hugged her tiny waist and full hips and stopped about two or three inches above her mid-thigh. She knew her father would not approve. She had actually never worn something this sexy before. Every now and then when she knew Michael would be over at her house, she would put on some booty shorts or her bikini. Nothing ever worked. He would usually just glance at her and quickly smile then turn his attention back to her father.

Her father was no longer actively engaged as a SEAL, and now had a desk job. She hated it. Before, her father worked late and sometimes would be gone for weeks at a time. This elderly lady who lived across the street would babysit. Which was fine with Kayla. She felt like she had more freedom.

But it was always bittersweet. Her father's absence meant that Michael was gone too. It scared her when they had to leave for dangerous missions. Half of the time she did not know if they were just a few miles away or in another country. Michael used to tell her that whenever there was war, that meant they failed at their mission. She then realized how many more wars could have been going on had it not been for men like Michael and her dad. But the thought of him being hurt made her shiver. She would not know which end was up if she ever got that morbid news. She realized she was daydreaming again and snapped back to reality.

"Oh, girl...that is so hot! Damn, and it looks so good on you," Lori commented. Kayla stared at herself in the mirror again She really did look good in this dress. The neon-pink color accented her caramel brown skin. She knew her father would be upset, but she did not care. She damn sure was not wearing it for him.

"Okay, let's go," she said, as they went to the register and paid. Operation Get Fucked was in full progress.


To Be Continue.......

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