Chapter.69 WHERE YOU ARE(PT.4)💞💞

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🥀Kayla Jackson💞⬆️🥀


      YOU AREN'T.🥀🥀


Thanksgiving was fast approaching, and school had seemed like a whirlwind to Kayla. Her workload was growing heavier as she was growing heavier. Her creative writing professor had gone insane. She had started giving them an assignment a week, along with group projects.

But the time did pass by less painfully now that her new group partner was Kian James Laurent. Kayla and Kian had actually gone to high school together, but she barely remembered him. He had been an art student who was also a part of the drama club. First day of Creative Writing, Kayla had glanced at him and thought he looked familiar, but she couldn't place him. Then one day they were assigned together to work on a project with two other classmates, who had no sense of humor, so she and Kian became close. Funny, the women in her classes either ignored her, or wanted to touch her stomach and ask her questions about the babies. The guys for the most part stayed away from her, as if she were contagious and her being pregnant would rub off on them, and then they would get their girlfriends pregnant. But Kian was different. When she had started to show, he just said, "Whoa, slow down on the Ho Ho's," and winked at her. He never once seemed to judge her.

Kian was about 6'2'' height, skinny muscular build with jet black hair that he had dyed and gorgeous hazel eyes, he was mixed his dad was African American and his mother was French/Samoan

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Kian was about 6'2'' height, skinny muscular build with jet black hair that he had dyed and gorgeous hazel eyes, he was mixed his dad was African American and his mother was French/Samoan. He had a very punk rock thing about him, and kept her cracking up with his jokes. He was an amazing artist, and when their teacher wasn't looking, he'd pass Kayla small slips of paper containing caricatures of the teacher with funny little captions for each one. She had burst out laughing several times, which was now why she was no longer a favorite of her teacher. Whenever she was having a bad day, Kian seemed to make her laugh, and she'd forget about her problems, at least for the hour and a half that she was in creative writing.

Then, after class, he would walk her to her car, and usually talk about some music group that she had never heard of. Kian never seemed to bring any books to class, yet he had an A average so far. He seemed like such a care-free spirit. Kayla had wished she could be that way at times. She laughed when she thought about the difference between Michael and Kian. Michael was very much the 'I don't give a fuck', while Kian was 'Peace and love people, peace and love'.

But now they were sitting in class on a random Thursday afternoon. Their teacher had not shown up just yet. Prof had 5 more minutes, and then they could leave without getting into trouble.

"So, what are you doing this weekend?" Kian asked, while drawing with a sharpie on some paper.

"Oh, I don't know. Probably nothing. How about you?" Kayla asked.

"Some friends and I are going to the Orange County Fair. Have you ever been?" Kian asked, still staring down at his handiwork.

"No, I've heard about it though."

Kian looked up. "What? You have to go. You should come with us."

"Oh, no, you don't want some pregnant girl tagging along. Besides, I don't think I could ride anything in my condition."

"Oh, come on. Hey, if you don't ride, I won't ride. Plus, it's not the most sanitary thing when you think of it. All those asses sitting in the same few seats every 3 minutes. Kinda gross."

Kayla laughed. She really would like to get out of the house. Her father would ask her if she was okay every hour, on the hour. She wondered if he could keep that up until she delivered. She still talked to Michael, but now that increased to every other day. And not just about the babies, but they had started to talk about other things. Everyday things. Michael would still try to persuade her every now and then to take him back. She was SOOO tempted, but also scared. Plus, she still owed him a doctor's appointment. She hadn't been back to Dr. Parlson since she found out she was having twin girls. But her new appointment was coming up, and she was a little nervous about going with Michael. She really needed to take her mind off of all of this.

"Alright, I think I might enjoy it," she said, without much further thought.

"Great, I can pick you up at five o'clock tomorrow?" Kian said, smiling brightly.

Kayla nodded, but thought she should let him know what she honestly felt. She realized, in her life, not saying things up front could only lead to problems further down the road.

"Um, Kian, I just want to make sure that you understand that I'm going as your friend. Nothing more, you know. I just want to make sure that's clear now. Not that you would have even imagined me as anything more, but I just, well, wanted you to know that," she said, while pretending to write something down.

Kian shook his head, "Damn, I was hoping to take advantage of you and knock you up...oops, never mind, someone beat me to the punch."

That comment caught Kayla off guard, and she burst into a fit of giggles. Half of the class turned to look at her. She covered her mouth and placed her head on the table.

Kian slid closer to her, "I know, Kayla. Just friends. Nothing wrong with that. I'll pick you up. Five, tomorrow. Oh, and looks like we are free...we just hit the fifteen-minute mark," he said, pointing up to the clock. He hopped up from his chair, handed her his drawing and exited the room.

Kayla looked down at the black ink splattered across the paper. She smiled when she realized it was actually a picture of her. Yes, she would have to remind him again, JUST friends.


To Be Continue.......

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