chapter 13

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I never pictured Charlie as the jealous type. That's the thing about crushing on someone you don't even know. You never know the things they like or what are there interest. You only like them for the physical attraction they give. And that's maybe why I am starting to like the boy I barely know.

"Crushing on someone isn't insane" she explained.

"It is when you don't know them at all"

"Many people have crushes, so what?" She made a point there.

"Yeah but..." i had no combat. It is true many people have random crushes but I don't want to be one of those people.

"You know Sarah sometimes you gotta let your feelings be, you know? You got feelings for him good. Now if he does as well then let the guy decide when he feels like it's the right moment, not you" she applied her red lipstick. Red always was her best color.

"Yeah, but what if I find someone else then what happens to him?" She looked at me through the mirror.

"Then he lost something amazing and that's going to be his fault not yours" i have to admit she can be deep when she wants to.

"Have you even spoken to him since that day or have you both been ignoring the crap out of eachother" she asked while applying mascara.

To be homest, I really didn't want to speak to him. I felt embarrassed and humiliated for some reason. I did want to see him, but unfortunately I have to. We are in the same school together and I can't ignore him forever. Maybe you can, my subconscious slowly came to the surface. I just pushed it away.

"I'll take your silence as a no" she concluded. The bell rang and we each made our way to our first class. We have every other class together but not our first period class. Might as well put us together.

I was the third in the class so I sat on the second to last row. I wanted to be left alone for once. Of course my prayers are never answered.

"What's up with you and Charlie? Are you guys a thing?" Kathy, the girl that has been in the same school with me since kindergarten, dared to ask.

"No, why?" I flipped my too long out of eyes. I need a haircut.

"No reason just a question " she sat next to me. I can't be alone can I. Nope apparently not.

"And if you guys were something, you would have competition " it sounded like a threat.

"Who would be in competition with me?" This was getting intersecting.

"The girls from this school obviously " her stupid blonde locks were everywhere. I just want to get a lawn mower and cut it for her,

"Are you one those girls?" I dare to say.

She looked at and smiled, "Of course I am".


"Everyone is in competition for him apparently " I chewd on the fry.

"Yeah I heard about that" she picked the pickles out of her salad. That was the difference between me and her. She was healthy and I was junk eatter.

"Why is it that everytime a new guy comes along ever girl seems to be in competition for them?" This ketchup bottle is hard to open.

"Sarah, this is a small town obviously people are going to get excited to see something new"

She was right. When people see something new they go crazy. It's like they are eye candy or something. These people would do anything and I mean anything.

Charlie walked in and went straight to the line to get his food. "The more you stare the more you care" Vanessa said. I looked at her and she was smiling. Ear to ear. "I wasn't starring at him, I was just..." I couldn't find a good enough excuse. She rolled her eyes at me and continued eatting.

I shouldn't be so obvious. He came back with the same thing I had. Cheese burger , a shake, and fries. "You guys think alike" Vanessa should shut her mouth.

He was coming this way. I pretended to be in conversation with Vanessa. "So what are you this weekend, Van?" He sat on the other side." You know what I'm doing this weekend, Sarah" she drank her soda. "Yeah but I forgot" she had a confused look on her face. I moved my eyes to the right to show her who was sitting there next to us. "Ohh..." she mouthed. She straightened her posture.

"Oh, yeah this weekend,"she paused for dramatic effect, way to go van, "Im going to Connecticut to see my grandmother" I felt like she told me this before, but I can't remember.

"This weekend, right?", she nodded, " your leaving me?" I was never the dramatic one, but for right now I felt like beeing dramatic.

"Unless you wanna come with. You know that she would love to see you again" her grandmother is a loving person. I can't remember the last time my grandmother was like that.

"I heard it's cold this time of year" we turned to look at him.

"Your east dropping now?" I folded my hands together.

"It's not east dropping if your making it obvious and loud enough for me to hear" he caught on.

"Don't look at me, this was your idea" thanks for putting me under the bus, Van.

"So you did this on purpose? You wanted me to listen, didn't you?" He came closer.

"No I didn't. I was just having a conversation with Vanessa. And you just happened to listen"

"You where talking loud enough for me to hear" it's true I did it on purpose.

"I gotta get to class" Van spoke up. "I'm going with you" I stood up followed her. "Your horrible, you know that" van shook her head. "I'm not horrible " or was I?

"Ohh.. sweet heart. Do you know who your lying to?," she paused opeing the door," I thought you how to lie, so take your bullshit somewhere else cause I ain't buying it" she smiled.

Note to self never lie to Vanessa. The bitch knows everything.

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