chapter 19

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Valentine's Day

Sarah's pov-

The only time of year that I hate so much. Everyone gets all nervous and they can't decide between a box of chocolate or an unnecessary large teddy bear. This year I cant complain because I actually have someone to give me something,

"You think he's going to get you something?" Vanessa asked as we sat at the lunch table. The only two girls that didn't have anything and Vanessa seemed fine with it.

"I dont know yet. Maube he will, maybe he wont. I just hope that irs something small. Nothing like that" a girl walked passed our table holding a too large teddy bear and a huge chocolate box.

"Yeah will thats exaggerating. He wont get you anything that big and besides keith doesnt seem like the type of guy to go overboard with things. So dont worry" i was far from being worried. I just want to know if he got me something or not.

"Since when were we the type of girls that cared so much about this stupid holiday?" I know she was mocking me. "Very funny, lone wolf, but people change. And when it happens to you, I'll be doing the same thing " she raised an eyebrow at me. Not believing what i was saying. "I wont turn into one of those girls, trust me. I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I did" she laughed at it. Most girls turn into the devil when they dont receive a teddy bear or chocolate. We say we won't be one of them but one we will.

Classes went by and i saw many girls get the things that they made their boyfriends get. Or maybe they it out of love or they were getting sex later. Yup. The last one seems more convincing.

"I hate this time of year" someone behind me said. I turned around and it was keith, smilng. "Why is that?" I wanted to know more about this. "The simple fact that it's only one time a year to get the person you love something special. Why not get them something all the time? Instead of only one time a year?" He made a good point. Which led me to believe that he didn't get me anything. My smile faded. He noticed. "But for you there is no lying that i did get you something but it's not with me" he smiled. I have no idea what he meant by that. He saw my confused expression. "It's meant to be a surprise" surprises. I never really liked them but i wasnt going to tell him that. I just put on a brave face and pretend like I was excited about it. "You can't do that. You can't keep me waiting for a long time" i dont mind waiting. If anything I can wait for a long time and not panic. Great now im panicking.

"Im not. We are going out tonight. Then I'll show you the surpise" it was gard to read his face. He was good at hiding his emotions. Atleast for now he was. "Ok. You have to tell me somethings about where we are going tonight" he wasnt going to tell me. He just sat and shock his head at me. "Im not telling you anything, Sarah. No matter what you do im not going to tell you. So stop trying" the bell rang and everyone left including keith. I was the last one to leave the classroom.


"How is it a date when you have no idea where your going?" Vanessa sat on my bed trying to wrap herself aroubd the idea. "Maybe it's a blind date" she concluded. "How is it a blind date when I know its keith taking me?" She was frustrated. "I dont know! I ran out of good ideas" she fell back into the bed. I laughed at her. "Help me find something to wear instead of finding a location that I don't even know" i threw my clothing at her.

Again she wanted to play dress up doll with me. I don't mind. I wasn't going to do anything special on myself. Everything went by quick. One moment I'm getting ready the next I'm out the door with keith.

"I hope you like what I have plan for us" he told me nervously. "I would love it even more if I knew where you were taking me" i smiled at hum which only made him smile even more. "Ok, I'll give you two chances, ok?" I nodded. I have to get this right. "To a restaurant?" He thought for a moment. "Its like a restaurant but not quite " i was confused. Was it or was it not a restaurant? "Are you trying to confuse me? Because it's working " he smiled. I'm pretty sure that he was trying to confuse me. I didn't mind though. It was kinda of romantic.

After a while we made it to an isolated place. Surrounded by trees and a path way. It led somewhere but it disappeared into the trees.

"Is this the part where you chase me and I trip on a branch and then you murder me?" He looked pained that I would say that. "Can't believe you think that low of me. And I wouldn't picture you as the type to trip on a branch" he led the way and there was little lights hanging from the trees. I couldn't stop looking up.

"Careful you might trip on a branch" he mocked me. I just shock my head. "Ok I want you to close your eyes" he stood in front of me. I did as I was told. Maybe we were close. "Ok, now open them" when I opened my eyes there was a table in the middle surrounded by little lights. A tent was over the table. It was truly amazing.

I was at a lose of words. "I'm taking your silence as a way of saying that you like it". I nodded unable to say anything. "I'm glad you like it. Look Sarah, I know we have only been together for a month now but I really like you and I don't want to rush int-" I interrupted him by placing my lips on his. I rapped my arms around his neck and his hands were around my waist. Eventhrough I was wearing heels I still had to tiptoe.

One of the best Valentine day ever.

This is late but i thought it would be nice.

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