chapter 21

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Charlie pov-

"I still cant believe your going to school"

"Well believe it. You leave school earlier than us, so I guess your going to be here by yourself until I get here" i grabbed the keys to the house and headed out. He followed me outside.

"Why don't you go to sleep? I know I would be " why be up so early when on vacation?

"Your not telling me something, charlie" i rolled my eyes, even though he couldn't see me.

"Go back inside and sleep, Max" i was half way down the street. But he was close behind me.

"Not until you tell me what's been bothering you" he was pushing my buttons. "Your bothering me right me" i turned he was a good distance away from me. "I just want to know what's wrong with you, that's all" nothing was wrong with me, he was over reacting. "Nothing, wrong with me". I kept walking, but he stayed behind . Good I didn't want to deal with him right now. He made my day worst , than when I woke up.

"Vanessa!!!" She walked fast.

"Vanessa" this time she turned around. Fully facing me.

"What do you want ? " I guess, i wasnt the only one in a bsd mood today.

"I just wanted to talk to you about something "she rolled her eyes at me. I knew and she knew who I was taking about.

"I'm not telling you anything about Keith and Sarah if that's what your going to talk to me about"

"You have to know the type of guy that he is" how come no one understood this? Everyone has to find out the hard way.

"Why are you telling me this? It's not like I'm dating the guy"

"I know that but your her best friend and she'll probably listen to you than me" she thought for a moment . Honestly considering if she should listen to me or not and I hope that she does.

"Fine you have 5 minutes"

"I went to school with the guy, I've seen what he does with the girls that he goes out with. I would hate to see something like that happen to Sarah "she didn't move , she didn't even flinch . It's like she could care less. "Don't you care about your best friend?" I asked her. "Of course I do, but your not giving me enough information about Keith . What am I suppose to do?" She was right.

"He beats on the girls. Really badly. I've seen them and it's hard to get away from him."maybe this time she'll understand .

""I'll see what I can do" and with that she left right after the bell rung . Maybe that's why I was upset this moring, I had to tell someone about this asswhole.

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