chapter 17

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Charlie's pov-

"What are doing for spring break?"

"I'll probably go back home wh?" The door bell rang. I went to get it. It was Mike.

"SURIPSE!!!" He yelled.

"Why didn't you tell me that you were coming?" He threw his stuff on the sofa and went threw my refrigerator. He always did that.

"Because it wouldn't be a surpise, genius ", he said with a mouth full, "and besides I talked to your mother and she seemed fine with it and she told me that you needed someone around here, so here I am"

Mom hasn't been around here for a while. She got a new job, in the hospital. She worked almost all the time and when I did see her, it was time for me to go to school.

I didn't mind though. I got used to it. It wasn't my mom's fault, we needed the money and I didn't blame her. She did everything to support me and one day I hope to do the same thing with her.

"What do you have planned for spring break?" Mike asked.

"Nothing really. Do you have anything planned?" He normally knew what to do on spring break and I just followed him.

"There's a concert. I think its imagine dragons . You wanna go there?" Imagine dragons . I never really heard there music, but I heard that they were good.

I agreed and we went. The line was pretty long. We waited a while and for a moment I thought that I saw her and when I looked again it was her. She was a a head of me. She looked so beautiful standing there. Mike was telling me about the band but I zoned out when I saw her.

My legs had a mind of there own. Mike was calling after me, a few people asked me what I was doing, and many of them gave me a dirty look.

"Hey, Sarah " my voice came out shaky.

"Oh, hey Charlie. I didn't expect you to be here" she was surpised. I know that after everything that happened she wouldn't want to see me, but life has it's own plans.

"Me and my friend heard that they were here and we didn't have anything else to do so we came here. What about you?"

"She's on a date" I look over her shoulder and to see keith. I can't believe she's with someone like him.

"I didn't know. I thought she was here with her friend" he wrapped his arm around her shoulder. Almost as if he was protecting her from me.

"Well she's not"he was being fucking rude. "You don't have so fucking rude man, I get it she's on a date" I rasied my hands in defence. He was getting on my nerves and I didn't want to start a fight in front of Sarah. "Maybe you should just go, Charlie. Go back to your friend, please " I looked down and she was pushing me away slowly. I didn't want to leave her here with this guy but just for her I'll leave.

"Why did you leave me here?" Mike asked when I went back to stand next to him in line. "I saw Sarah " his expression changed. "And what happened?" He pushed. "She's on a date" i was answering with little detail, but I knew him and he would eventually get it out of me. "It was with Keith. Why would she be on a date him?". It annoyed me to death just thinking that she was here with him. "Don't over think it too much. You'll grow grey hairs". I knew he was joking but it wasnt working. I just looked at him and he stopped.

Sarah's pov-

I couldn't believe that Charlie was here. That was the last thing I needed. We entered and imagine dragons was pretty amazing. I never thought that I liked them. The entire night I was thinking about Charlie. He was the wrost thing that happened to me. Vanessa was right, I shouldn't stress over him, but I couldnt help it. He was on my mind 24/7.

By the end of the night, I stopped stressing over Charlie and actually had a good time. Keith was really into it. He told me that he liked imagine dragons . And was hoping to come to see them one day.

"Did you like it?" He asked when he walked me to my door. "Yeah, I never thought someone can get into Imagine dragons like you did" he chuckled. "Anyone can get into them when they have an amazing girl next to them" he came closer, held my face with his large hand and kissed me. It wasn't like me and Charlie but it was pretty good. I cant argue with that.

The rest if the night I thought about keith and how much of an amazing kisser he was and Charlie and how heart broken he was when he saw me and keith. I felt truly like an awaful person.

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