chapter 11

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Love me harder- Ariana Grande ft The weeknd
-Tell me something I need to know and take my breathe and never let it go.

Charlie's pov -

"You ok? You didn't go to school the other day"

"I'm pretty sure you know why. Everybody knows why" she was sad, it was clear.

"I wanted to hear it from you,not other people" it was the truth. I still didn't believe what people tell me. People always mix up information.

"My unknown grandmother died" people were getting louder as more and more came into the cafeteria.

"What do you mean she's unknown? You never knew her?"

"Not really. I only seen her in pictures" she played with her bag. Not once looking at me.

"You know you can tell me anything, right? I won't judge " she looked up. But didn't say anything.

"Sara, there you are. I was waiting for you. I didn't know you were here already. Oh, hey charlie" she sat down next to Sara.

I just want to talk to Sara alone. But I knew that it wasn't possible with everyone here. These people thought the wrost and I didn't want that.

"Umm... Sara can you help me with something?" They stopped their conversation. Sara looking at me.

"What is it?" She's been crying. Her eyes were red and she had bags under her eyes.

"It's just math. Nothing big" I lied. I'm pretty good in math.

"Yeah, sure when?"

"Can you come today?I'll drop you off your house when we finish?" I smiled hoping for a good answer.

"Yeah ok"


"So all you have to do is find the Circumference of the circle" she explained even through I knew what I was doing.

"So how are you doing with everything?" Coming into the conversation slowly.

"Nothing has change for me. Everything still feels the same. Althrough I do feel bad for my grandfather. He may not show it but I know that he's hurting. And it hurts me that he isn't showing how he feels" by the end of her sentence she was crying.

I rubbed her back. Soothing her.

"He may not show it but he is hurting inside"

" How is he hurting without showing it?" She wiped her tears with her sleeve.

" Guys are like that. We don't show our emotions. We are hard to show it. Some of us do show it but not alot of all of us do"

"So, he's secretly hurt inside?" She was confused.

"When something like this happens, guys usually hide it like they don't care when the really do. They just want to care for everyone else but not themselves. And they want someone to notice it, you are so your grandfather will come around sooner or later" it was a long explanation but I think that understood.

"I think I know what your trying to say"

I smiled, "Good".

We ended up talkimg about random things. The prevoius conversation was forgotten. I made her laugh and it was a win. I wanted her to feel good around me and not werid and awkward.

"So you did what when you were a little kid?!" We were in the living room. The television was long forgotten.

"I shaved my own eyebrows ", she laughed long and hard, " I saw my mom doing it so I wanted to do it too. And the next day it was picture day, so you already know what I look like".

We laughed. Our conversation went on.

"What about you? Tell me something about yourself"she leaned back on the sofa.

"What do you want to know?"

"Don't tell me your an open book?" She mocked.

"Not really. Somethings are a secret" i want to keep a little mystery.

"Can I know?" Things got serious.

"Just because its you I'll tell you", I got comfortable and so did she, " My mom is having trouble trying to support us mainly because my father walked out on us. When things got hard he packed up and left. He tried to get back into my life but I never let him. My mom stupidly invited him for Christmas last year, long story short it was the worst. I don't want him anywhere near us. I made it without him and I could continue without him"

It was silent. I wonder what she's thinking. I hope she's not thinking the worst of me.

"That's messed up. I can't imagine being without my father. He holds the family together " she put the mug down on the glass table.

"Yeah well, I'm my mothers rock and she's mine"

It was quite for a moment. We just looked at eachother. Should I lean in and kiss? Or would that be too awkward? She moved in closer and I knew that I should do it.

I just went for it. Her lips were smooth. I grabbed her by her hips and sat her on me. I grabbed her by her thighs. My hands travled up her back while her hands went up to my hair.

She pulled on my hair and I groaned. It felt good. I sled my tongue into her mouth and felt ever part of her mouth.

Sara pov-

I've never gone this fair with anybody. I'm a virgin from head to toe. I've never even kissed a guy before. I'm a full blown virgin and I'm glad that it's someone like Charlie that I'm willing to give it to. Maybe not know but when I am ready and when I get to know him better. Besides that he ain't getting to second base even if I was blind, he still wouldn't reach it.

"I want to get to know you better, Charlie. I'm not the type of girl that jumps into bed so quickly"

"I know your not, Sarah " he smiled.

"So when are you going to ask me out?" I played with his collar.

"I think we should be friends first, to test the water. Then I'll ask you out" his answer was truly surprising.

What a dumass charlie is. Now he ain't never going to get there... if you want i mean.. (wink, wink)

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