chapter 14

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Charlie pov-

"You kissed her, then you told her that you want to take it slow?"

"I know that sounds stupid but I didn't know what else to do"

"Oh I don't know you could've told her how you felt about her, but instead you stupidly decide to just deny it completely " i could hear the voices of people on his side of the phone.

"I'm not denying anything" a few people walked in and out of the bathroom.

"Your denying the way that you feel about her. And you never know if she had feelings for you. But know you'll never know because you fucked it up and I'm pretty sure she won't give you a second chance"

"I don't thibk she's that horrible to not give me another chance" aleast I hope she wasn't.

"Ok, look do you know anything about her?", he waited for my reply, once I didn't reply he continued,"do you know her parents, what she's like at home-"

"Who cares how she's like at home?"

"Ok your right, but you don't know anything about her, Charlie." He was right. I guess I only liked her because she was nice to me on my first day here. She was kind enough to show me around for two weeks. And by the second week I already knew my way around the building. "It doesn't matter if I don't know anything about her" i went into a stall. People were getting nosey. "It does matter, Charlie. How are you going to like someone you barely even know? That's a blind love, man" Mike is like Vanessa. They both made good points and I would know this because I already had spoken to Vanessa about it earlier this moring.

   ***Earlier that same day*****

  "Vanessa , hey wait up" i ran up to her.

"What's up Charlie?" She opened her locker and switched her books.

"I want to talk to you about something. And I we both know who I'm talking about " she closed the locker and faced me. She was mad.

"Look charlie, I know what happened between you and Sarah. You kissed her then you told her that you want to be friends. Who does that?"

"I know that was wrong and that's why I'm here-"

"Don't apologize to me, apologize to Sarah. I'm not the one you fucked over"

"Vanessa, I don't know what to say to her. I come up with something and it just goes away when I see he-"

"You gotta stop with these excuses "

"They aren't excuses,it's the truth"

   "Then if it's the truth, then just tell her how you feel, instead of sending mixed singles to her. She doesn't deserve this. What your doing to her, playing games with her-"

"I'm not playing games with her. I never was to beginning with"

"If you aren't playing games with her then tell her how you feel and grow two pairs before someone else wins her heart and then your left with nothing because you were being a dip shit that didn't know what to do about his feelings" her words may be harsh but she was right.

"Vanessa her friend told you that?"I told him what happened between me and Vanessa earlier today. He seemed pleased that Vanessa actually told me off.

"It's for your own good that girl is right. Someone else will find her and take her away and your gonna be left with nothing because you never told her"

"It's not easy, for me. I try to tell her but we always end up fighting with eachother"

"When you guys fight that means that you both are too stubborn to listen to eachother, to understand the other"

"Ok, Dr.Phil. When did you become an expert on relationships?" It was werid how much he knew about this, yet he was never in a relationship to beginning with.

"First of all, this thing your in isn't a relationship, it's more like two dumass not knowing what to do with their feelings and two I've learned enough from my sister's to know that relationship are delicate. If one person doesn't know what they are doing then the whole relationship goes to ruin. Trust me, you dint want to be herat broken. I think that's the wrost feeling in the world"

He dif learn a lot from his sister's. Each and everyone of them taught him to not be an ass to women and that he should respect them. He learned a lot. He is lucky.

"Will, I got to get to class. Call me later and tell me more about your stupid problems that you think I have time for"

"You clearly do if you don't ever stop me" I heard him laugh.

"Whatever" he chuckled and hung up. My class didnt start until later, or did it already start? Either way I was late. Walking out of the bathroom, I saw Sarah with someone. At first I thought it was Vanessa, until I saw him perfectly. I never seen him before.

They were laughing. Clearly they haven't noticed me. He was taking her to her class. Before she walked in he gave her a kiss, I couldn't see where. But by her reaction I'm guessing on the lips.

I should've listened to everyone and told her how I feel because it was too late know. She was taken and I was broken hearted.

Who has seen the fall on Netflix? I really love it. Jamie dornan from fifty shades of grey is in it and thats why I love it so much, but other than that it's a pretty good crime show. If your into things from the UK.

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