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"Breaking news. Stray Kids will be taking a break from promotions after the passing of Lee Sooah-" Seungmin switched off the TV, throwing the remote away from him.

"Chan still locks himself in his room since our last concert." Minho stated with puffy eyes.

All the eight members of Stray Kids still couldn't get over Sooah's passing. It hit them so much it felt unreal. They've never met anyone who lit up their leader's life like her, all of Chan's happiness drained away because Sooah was gone, forever.

"I miss Sooah." Jeongin choked on his tears, leaning his head on Hyunjin.

"We all miss her, especially Chan."

All their heads turned to look at one specific door in Sooah and Chan's shared home, it's their shared bedroom, where Chan had been staring at photographs at him and Sooah.

"Why did you leave me?" He choked caressing her face in the photograph.

"Please come back to me."

Chan's room was a total mess. He was just as messy. There are things everywhere, crushed cans of beer, Sooah's clothes around him, photographs everywhere— a shipwreck.

"Chan..." someone called from out the door.

"Please come eat with us, you'll starve to death if you keep going on like this. Stays are also very worried of you. I'm sure Sooah also is."

It was Jisung. He sighed when nothing came from Chan so her left the tray of food in front of his door. "We'll be going to the meeting with JYP, please eat."

Chan looked away from the door and put his attention back to his and Sooah's photograph, tears dropping on the paper.

Sooah watched Chan as her heart broke into pieces. She could see Chan but Chan couldn't see her. Sooah walked towards him and brought him into a tight hug, although he couldn't feel it.

"Sooah, it's that you?" He sobbed.

"It's me, Chan, I'm here. I'll always be here." She whispered next to his ear.

"What am I hearing, she's gone." Chan groaned and stood up with all the strength he had, passing through Sooah.

He opened his door and brought the tray in, sitting down on his table. "Want some, Sooah?" Chan asked then chuckled at himself, stuffing a spoonful of rice into his mouth.

But then he cried, burrying his face in his hands. "I can't live without you."

Sooah let some tears fall out as she back hugged Chan. Her eyes landed on a paper on his table. It was a list of people he suspected for killing her.

"It's none of them." She sighed after looking at the three names.


"Sooah, I finally ate again after two days." He said, imagining Sooah in front of him.

She was, he just couldn't see her.

"That's good, I was so worried." She replied.

"I could finally sleep again after staying up all night for days." He continued.

"I know, I was right by you."

"I wrote a song for you but I'm only done with the lyrics."

"I can't wait to hear it."



"I need you."

"I'm sorry, Chan."

"Please come back."

"I wish I could."

"I miss you."

"I miss you too."

"I love you."

"I love you too."

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